Job Hunt 2.0

jobsMediums are changing and so do the people. Snail mails to email and still evolving. The way employees and employers are connecting to each other has seen a marked change over period. Both are trying to woo each other with innovative means. Resumes on CD have now moved to online space in form of Videos and presentations. Sites like Youtube has impressive number of such video resumes. Organizations have created separate dedicated career sections on their websites.

There are jobsites like Monster,  Naukri etc which has brought a radical change in the way job market works. Job market has become open and transparent for employees and employers. Job seekers have access to jobs across the globe and similarly organizations have large pool of prospective employees to choose from.

But I feel Social/professional network sites are now become the latest hotspot for Job hunt. Professional network sites like Linkedin has a definite advantage in the game. This site not only offers you a platform to connect to professional across globe but give access to uncalculated jobs within your network. Features like recommendations of your work are the definite advantage in establishing job seekers credibility.

So mantra for Job Hunt is networking.

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