Google +1 for your blog

Google launched +1 recommendation button for publishers yesterday. This could possibly be the turning point in the Google vs Facebook war to control the web. Facebook has taken a lead by share and like button but google +1 is a bigger counter to all this.

With Google controlling the major portion of publishers organic traffic they would be more than willing to install the recommendation button on their blogs and google recommends

The implementation is really easy and even easier for wordpress blogs.

Step : 1 Select the desired size of the button. There are four option to pick from.

get google + 1 button

Step : 2 Copy and paste the code in your blog post or website.

insert google +1 code

The first part of the code goes just before the end of <head> tag in your blog /site. and the second part need to be inserted where you want the button to appear.


Voila! you are done.

google + 1 on your blog

Google will display the +1 next to search results.

google search result +1 button

How would Google +1 help your blog :

a. Provide authenticity to your blog content

b. Crowd recommendation will boost your search engine read Google rating

c. For users ; they will get more refined and recommended results (Less of spam / ad page blogs)

If you’re a webmaster, you can get the +1 button code and learn more about implementation on Google’s +1 webmaster site.

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