Good (Bye) Times !!!

Oh Man! 8.5 years since I logged out of and BOOKMARKED Times Internet. And now it’s time to say good(bye) Times. Here’s a small note thanking everyone whom I have met during this amazing journey.

Hi All


Every beginning has an end. And every end is a new beginning. It’s a relentless cycle seen in every aspect of our lives and the professional journey is a no exception….


It’s with mixed emotions, I share with you all that today’s my last working day here at Times Internet. It has been a hard decision for me to go ahead with the change. But there come times in everyone’s life when a change is for the better, and this is one of those times, and I would like to put it as “Leaving the shore in quest of more.”


The journey of nearly eight and a half years here has been a complete roller coaster ride with happy-sad moments, wins-losses, cheers-screams, excitement-disappointments, launches & sunsets, go lives- crashes, perspire & ASPIRES. The fun and gossips during lunch sessions, birthdays & festival celebrations, team off-sites, freaky fridays, product launches, AOP times are some of the best moments which I will never forget. Everything, literally every moment here has been enriching & incredible.


Professionally, it has been an extremely satisfying phase of my life. I have had some of the most challenging and intriguing opportunities to grow. Working with Times has been fascinating and empowering at the same time… but most of all, it has been humbling. And I feel privileged to lead the teams building some of the largest & very strategic projects for the organization including Indiatimes Email, Central SSO, Times Points and most recently Brandwire.


And personally, I can proudly say that I have met some amazingly talented and interesting people who are much more than just colleagues (friends for ever, who knows). I sincerely thank every single person with whom I have been in contact by virtue of work or otherwise. You all have played an important role in my personal and professional life. Thank you for teaching, mentoring and inspiring me and allowing me to do the same for you. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the good times.


As I am headed off to explore my next chapter of life. I’m excited about my future there while I continue to be excited about all the things you’ll continue to accomplish here. A reminder though dreams without deadlines are just dreams.


If I could leave you all with just one final thought, remember – “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” ~ Pele


Lastly, It’s a small world and technology we work with makes it even smaller, so I am sure our paths will cross again in the future. Digitally, I am reachable over call or whatsapp on 9911091091 (Note: I’m allergic to good morning messages), drop a line at amit[@], read my random rant on twitter @amitguptaz or Linkedin ( And for admirers of real world let’s catch up over a cup of coffee or a glass of beer …I’d love that!


Upwards & onwards, Godspeed.


PS: “If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.” ~ Blaise Pascal


And a small compilation of memories which I’ll cherish for life.

What’s my new gig? Wait till I Check-In to my new assignment !!!

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