Installing canon sx200 IS zoom ex browser without CD

Hard disk crash or OS re installation is a nightmare I have gone through innumerable times 🙁  And the worse part to it it restore the all the previously installed software (and off course the saved password on browsers). Anyways most recently I have gone through this last fortnight.

Now there are several of the softwares available (freeware obviously) of the shelf from respective sites and that’s the best way to get the updated version. And then there are many which come in form of CD with the products. They are the biggest pain point if you loose the CD’s over a period of time and they are not available on product sites. hard disk crashOne such instance is Zoom ex browser (image management software for Canon powershot SX 200 IS). The official canon site only provide a upgrader software ~120-30 MB which requires the original (any version) of the software to be installed. An hour of soul searching with google baba leads to numerous workaround including creating and changing registry entry in system. But this was big #fail for me.

Finally , got a very old version of zoom ex uploaded on http: // / zoombrowser.php (Added space before and after every / to delink.  Also download on your own risk , it worked for me though. )   Once I installed this , rest was a cakewalk as the updater from Canon ( did the rest.

Update : For windows 7 user . Pls download update from here

But it still confuse me why can’t canon provide the drive support on the site itself , as in any case the software is a freeware.

3 responses to “Installing canon sx200 IS zoom ex browser without CD”

  1. shonez Avatar

    Thakssssssss…I lost my cd, so i i needed some solution and this is IT!!! It’s WORKING

  2. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @shonez great it worked for you

  3. Maya Avatar

    Thank you for this post, I have also lost the original CD and need to install the software on the different computer and this was a saviour… however, now I would need to do the same for mac and I’m struggling to find anything else then updaters for their mac equivalent ImageBrowser… any suggestions? Thanks Maya

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