Consistent UX across Web & App is hygiene

Being intuitive and having a simple learning curve is a big win for any product.  As a user we keeps on moving across platform (web & apps) and screens. Having a seamless and consistent UX across all platform should be part of basic hygiene. It is more so important in case of transactional products.

I had a totally different experience with Zopnow (Online grocery store). Following are few screenshots of login & sign up screens on web (Mobile browser) and app.  I expected their mobile app to be more customised and mobile friendly.

But I was totally stumped on login screen. Login screen are gatekeeper of product and plays an important role in identifying users and facilitating easy access.  Here I am an existing registered user and totally helpless.  On web its one click authentication (Facebook Login) and here I can’t spot a hint of Facebook blue on the screen. After couple of failed attempts I gave up and moved on the mobile browser .


Login Screen of Zopnow App

(Says login to save time ; couldn’t check if app support persistent login)

Login Screen of Zopnow Responsive / Mobile Site

Out of curiosity I compared the sign up page on both platforms and there was a visible difference in the treatment of the page. The form on the app is way too unorganised and non-intuitive. Few observations :

  • Too much spacing leading to scroll (Great combination of both bad UI & UX)
  • Text fields are not self explanatory (Area) and Place holders are more confusing (Select How)
  • No clarity between mandatory and non mandatory field (Like in case of mobile web)
  • Pincode and City text box suggest either or option



Sign Up Screen of Zopnow App

Sign Up Screen of Zopnow Responsive / Mobile Site


So with Zopnow app my experience was neither fast nor easy.

Update (05 August 2016)

Looks like someone was listening. Login page now have Facebook connect in today’s release.


Let’s see if they get the consistent sign up flow also integrated.

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