Examination Results

I came across an interesting mailer from naukri.com in my inbox and it brings back memories of yesteryears examination results.


 March-April has always been the most tense months throughtout life. Since my earliest memories these months will mean loads of tension and sleepless nights. All the hard work & efforts are put on test and then begins the wait for the results….

This agonising wait keep haunting year after year during these months. Earlier it was examination results and now its the annual appraisals. But the most talked about thing remains the same “Percentage”. How much did you get this year. From parents to friends to everyone you on this earth is interested to know how much did you get.

But then this also keep you gunning for more year after year but for now I am waiting for the results for this year 😉 . Wish me luck to come out with flying colors again.

One response to “Examination Results”

  1. […] Pappu paas ho gaya (Pls read my previous post). //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var […]

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