How to make a pizza (sinful eating)

So folks let me take you thru the process of making a sinfully unhealthy but amazingly delicious Pizza.



a) Pizza base
b) Cheese (Britannia)
c) Pizza Sauce (By Cremica)
d) Oregano and Chilly Flakes (Leftover from Domino’s blend perfectly)

a) Mushrooms
b) Fresh Paneer
c) Onions
d) Capsicum
e) Red Jalapeno (In Vinegar)

Other key requirement
a) Microwave
b) Electricity (Scarce in Gurgaon)


Step 1: Apply a thin coating of pizza sauce on the base.

Step 2: Put Sliced toppings of about 1/2 inch size and put them evenly on base.

Step 3: Now put the shredded Pizza Cheese and cover the pizza base evenly.

Step 4: Put the pizza in Microwave for 7-8 minutes @ 180 C on convection mode. (Hopefully you would have switched on the microwave by now)

Step 5: Wait…Wait…Wait or sing a song or dance or ya get some coke for you.

pizza by amit gupta 

 Final step: Indulge into the sinful act.

PS : recovered this post from google cached file. Love you google ummmaaah . And thanks @mayank for moving my blog successfully to new host.

One response to “How to make a pizza (sinful eating)”

  1. Divyansh Avatar

    Looking forward to make pizza by this short recipe. Although it might be unhealthy but sometimes its to have it for the sake of taste buds.

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