It’s time to retire now

I am announcing my retirement today from active working life. I have spend quite a lot of my quality time and effort in building a retirement estate for my self. And now i feel like a chilling out and enjoying the fruit of my efforts well spend.

It was not an easy decision to quit. The ever lasting greed of earning more and more & never ending race to beat the world keep pulling me back to it. But then I set a target for my self and determined to stick to it. I wanted to retire in style and man i think i have achieved it.

My dream estate boost of a retirement villa with orchid , vegetable farm , stud farm, dairy , chicken and pig farm, small pond with lots of swans. Oh did I forgot to mention a entertainment arena with elephants and much more for my visiting friends and family.

Looks like a self sustained ecosystem , jealous… huh wanna see.

amitguptaz retirement farm
Farmhouse1 Farmhouse2 Farmhouse3

Isn’t this beautiful, ok stop admiring it now.

But retirement is also not that easy a job, it’s now time to feed the cattle and pluck some ripe fruits & vegetables.

So catchya later.

BTW you need to be invited to visit my farm.  Invitations can be sought at or tweet me @amitguptaz

2 responses to “It’s time to retire now”

  1. sm Avatar

    interesting heading
    good post

  2. […] has been full of excitement and challenges.  I pulled my self out from a state of non working and retirment and had a stupendeo fantabulous time working with […]

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