Author: Amit Gupta
Mood swing of weather
I have captured the mood swing of weather within a span of 20 min. Is this reflection of…
Fruit of Patience is not always sweet :p
So finally, I have fruits in my garden. Have a look at the vibrant and HOT green chilies !!! …
The Seagate FreeAgent and I Contest
There is a interesting contest running on Indian Blog and new Media Society . The Contest You have…
Abuse of Cost Per Click (CPC) Marketing?
Cost Per Click better known as CPC advertising is one of the most popular ROI (return on Investment)…
Everything I Know About Startups by Dharmesh Shah
This is an absolutely great presentation by Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of HubSpot, that was originally posted at OnStartups.
Meeting Matt
I met Matt Mullenweg last saturday @ wordcamp India. I must say , I am damn impressed by this…
WordCamp India (India’s first WordPress Camp)
I’ll be attending the India’s first WordPress Camp to be organised on 21st and 22nd February. To…
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