Birth certificate for minor in Gurgaon


The Cradle provided a birth certificate for my daughter. Little did I realized that it only has a emotional and ornamental value and no legal validity. So we got it framed it nicely (Thanks to Tushina) and it occupies a place of pride in our bedroom.


I was told that as a procedure hospital has already send the notification to the municipal authorities about child birth. The birth certificate can be collected after 21 days from the MCD office, Gurgaon situated opposite civil hospital Gurgaon (See Map Below).

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I went there after  2 months to collect the certificate. I was told to submit an application again on plain paper (hospital has already send in the notification) and collect the certificate 21 days post that. The application has a simple format capturing Name of child , parents, date and place of birth, address and number of copies of certificate required. Not so simple…

The application format was pasted outside the clerk window in both English and Hindi, but he would accept the application only filled in Hindi and that too without child’s name. Once a certificate without name is issued then  a affidavit needs to be submitted stating that child name will not be changed in future to get a birth certificate with child’s name. I tried to convince him that we had already spend two months in finalizing the daughter name  as Tisya and have no intention to change it.

I got the birth certificate without child’s name and wrong address. On inquiring I was told the birth certificate will carry details as shared by hospital and can’t be changed  (I thanked heaven they have only put in wrong address and not wrong parents name).

birth certificate affidavit

On my next visit I submitted the affidavit for the child’s name, Birth certificate (without name) and the same stupid application (remember they would only print details as shared by hospital) and fee of Rs 17 (+Rs 52 for additional 4 copies). I was asked to come again in 7-8 days to check the spelling on certificate before printing.  They issued the certificate this time with name but in Hindi. Every action of theirs is covered under one blanket statement ‘yehi process hai’.

Now as a final step, I have again submitted the application (same futile details) and attached a copy of certificate (hindi) and fee of Rs 17 (+Rs 52 for additional 4 copies) for a new certificate. I have to visit the municipal office again to ensure the name is punched in right before the printing of the certificate.

53 responses to “Birth certificate for minor in Gurgaon”

  1. Nirmal Avatar

    Really elaborate and practical description. It really helped me in getting my baby’s birth certificate. Thanks for this post !

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thanks Nirmal. Happy parenting 🙂

  2. vaishno devi Avatar
    vaishno devi

    well this is precious certificate, my best wishes to your daughter

  3. Himanshu Avatar

    Hey Nirmal,

    Thank you ever so much! I am about to go for getting birth certificate for my son. I will definitely make sure that I carry affidavit with me to avoid delay as much as possible.

  4. charu Avatar

    Hi, Can you also let me know, if the Stamp Paper has to be from Haryana and on whose name it is to be purchased.

  5. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @Charu the stamp paper can be purchased from the civil court near rajiv chowk haryana. The stamp paper ; if i remember correctly was on the name of child’s father

  6. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @alok if you are here on short stay , it might be tough because MCG guys generally take 2 weeks to issue you the certificate with any change (addition of name , certificate in English).

    You better carry original Hindi certificate , an affidavit stating the parents name and name of the child and a application on plain paper. The certificates in Gurgaon were generally issued in Hindi that time and they would call you a day in advance to check spelling and all.

    Once you confirm the spelling they’ll take print out and next day handover to you after getting it attested by the authorized signatory.

  7. Alok Avatar

    Thanks very much Amit…I would go in person to gurgaon, and then see if I can submit an authorisation letter so that another friend can collect the same and courier it back to be to Hyderabad.

    1. Ankush Avatar

      Hi Amit,
      I had received the birth certificates from MCG, Wazirpur. But they are all in Hindi and I was told that these are always issued in Hindi. How do we get the English versions ? Any idea ?

      1. Amit Gupta Avatar

        They issue the certificate in hindi by default. I hope you have taken more than one copy of the certificate , as you need to apply for a english certificate along with one original copy of certificate.

  8. Birth Certificate Form Delhi Avatar
    Birth Certificate Form Delhi

    Services on Click helps, provides complete & accurate information about How to, Documents required & Procedure to get Ration Card issued in Delhi by Govt of India

  9. […] Date of Birth certificate (Issued by local municipal […]

  10. Akshay Singh Avatar
    Akshay Singh

    hey buddy my company is asking me to give birth certificate my birth is never registered i m 26 yrs old is it possible for me to get the birth certificate now? if yes, then wats the procedure?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Not sure. I think your company wants date of birth certificate and generally 10th certificate is accepted for the same.

  11. pradeep yadav Avatar
    pradeep yadav

    hello sir i want birth certificate for making passport but date of birth is not registered in mcg so whats the procedure to registered the date of birth

  12. Tribhuwan Joshi Avatar
    Tribhuwan Joshi

    @Amit I got the birth certificate of my son from MCD Green Park without any hassle. Thanks for providing such a detailed information. It helped me a lot

  13. Bhuwan Joshi Avatar
    Bhuwan Joshi

    I got the birth certificate of my son from MCD Green Park without any hassle. Thanks for providing such a detailed information. It helped me a lot, Rgds,

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar
  14. Neha Avatar


    It would be great if somene could really guide inhow to get me birth certificate made.Actually my passport is in pipeline since long due to birth cirticficate as iam 89′ born and do no have a birth cirtificate. It would be great if someone could tell me from where can i get it done.


  15. Abhishek Avatar

    Hi Amit, Thanks a lot for writing this, i am about to start all these process for passport for my daughter. just one query, what is the exact location of Birth certificate office. if possible can i get landmark or exact address. regards

  16. Abhishek Avatar

    Dear Amit,

    Would like to thank you for the above information, would like to share my experience of getting birth certificate from MCG office.

    The location of Office is exact oppsite to Gurgaon Civil Hospital near Gurgaon Bus Stand, i went there on SUNDAY (pls. don’t amaze) MCG now workS 7X7X7 (all seven days from 7AM to 7 PM). the guy siiting at the desk was polite (unsual for govt. employee) he searched his data base & told me that they have received the application from THE CRADEL, i need to pay some 12 Rupees for one copy, he oofered his Computer for online transfer of 12 Rupees. after payment he gave me a receipt with commitment to deliver the same in 3 days ( i thought he is joking)any ways i got the without name certificate after 3 days, then he told me to sumbit the affidavit along with 17 rupees Fee for with name certificate & amazingly i got the same too in just 1 week ( no hassel no Bribe). my net observation- the entire operations of MCG has been outsourced to a company that has headquater at sector 49 in Gurgaon & these Guys / Executive in the age group of 24 years to 28 years works absolutly flawless & do not hesitate or strugle in telling you some information. overall great experience. once agin Thanks to AMIT & all the best to all who will go through this procedd.

    1. Asit Kumar Avatar
      Asit Kumar

      Dear Amit & Abhishek

      Thanks guys for the valuable information…in fact before reaching MCG you can call 18001801817 (help line) – Give your name / wife’s name with hospital name….you will be get to know status of the certificate and they will also give you registration number. You can click on this link and feed in reg number to view unsigned certificate online (you could verify the details before reaching the MCG office)

      Next step…am following Abhishek’s experience and yes they are definitely open 7 days in a week so will enumerate experience soon.


      1. Nitin Singh Avatar
        Nitin Singh

        I went there on Saturday. It was sritten on the door that on saturday only pending work is being completed. When i tried to look inside there were no employees. only 2 guys sitting and talking on the phone.
        I got the certificate finally but with wrong address and any correct in the certificate will take 1 month as told by the MCG.

  17. Indra Sahay Avatar
    Indra Sahay

    I am looking for my daughter’s birth certificate. thanks for the info it will save time and is full of guidance. hope i will get it.

  18. deepa asija Avatar
    deepa asija

    Can i get my baby’s birth certificate after 2 months of birth?

    1. debojyoti Avatar

      yes you can. I have applied it after 3 months.

    2. ankur Avatar

      You can get birth certificate even after 5 yrs.Only office is different .

  19. Sumit Kumar Avatar

    Hai Amit,
    I am from Gurgaon (Haryana). my son was born at home in 2005 and now i need his birth certificate. So plz. tell me how to get my son birth certificate and what documents are required for birth certificate. waiting reply on my email.

    its urgent plz help

    1. ankur Avatar

      Hi Sumit,
      You need to visit MCG gurgaon office .I dont know which side you live in gurgaon,but the office I am talking about is in wazirpur.
      Best way to reach there is to follow aardee city road towards botanical garden.just after passing garden, take U turn n then first left.go straight for 1 Km approx and u will see MCG building on right side…

      its not a big issue and these guys are really helpful.I have been there for my sons certificate.


  20. nidhi Avatar

    I got my daughter birth certificate with no name over was issued from lucknow and i live in what to do? please help

    1. ankur Avatar

      Nidhi, I dont know about lucknow, but in general they follow same procedure all over india.

      1> fill form and get certificate without name FIRST.

      2> if u want with name certificate, get one affidavit and one copy of without name certificate and yes u need to fill one more form.

  21. Lijo Joseph Avatar


    I am a Deaf boy and I am from Alappuzha, Kerala.

    I do not have a birth certificate. I had applied for a passport with the copy of SSLC certificate as DOB proof.

    I would like to know whether Birth Certificate with the copy of my SSLC certificate is possbile..

  22. Jinsen Avatar

    In my baby’s birth certificate, mothers name was wrong. I contacted MCG they were saying whatever they get from hospital, they add blindly. The hospital people make purposeful mistakes, because they know the process. Hospital asked to pay 2000 for birth certificate. Normally, what is the cost? 12 Rs. They are trying to loot common man.

  23. Poonam Avatar

    I was about to experience same as you ,as i delivered my child in Cradle..Thanks for sharing now i will go prepared and definitely not using English 🙂

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      🙂 Cheers !

  24. Rohit Sharma Avatar
    Rohit Sharma

    Hi i am 23 years old, i want to make Birth Certificate for my self

  25. surjeet Avatar

    sir ,i am 21 year old. i need birth ceritificate , i applied for same in civil hospital gurgaon, after 15 days when i went there to collect the same. but instead of giving me the birth certificate they gave me a NAC(no availability certificate ), and told me , your name is not enrolled in the birth register, i born at home , sir ,kindly help me how can i enrolled my name in the birth register after 21 year .

  26. ruchi Avatar

    i m 24years old . i want to apply for passport but i have no birth certificate..
    i go for the committee but there is no record of my name..
    they said u have to make a file and in this procedure take at least 2 month but i have no such time..
    can you please tell me other way of getting birth certificate as i need to make passport early as soon as possible..


  27. Ritika Avatar

    Hi everyone, need help please, we are expecting our first child in November and are very excited about it 🙂 . Right now we are staying in Gurgaon (temporarily on rent) but our permanent house is in delhi. Me and my Husband both are born and bought up in delhi and all our proofs bear delhi as the permanent address. I am not sure if we may shift back to delhi in near future (by next year may be)…. so my query is, my gynae is in gurgaon and she does not sit in any hosptal in delhi.. hence, If I get the delivery done by her in gurgaon, then the baby’s birth certificate would contain Gurgaon, Haryana as the birth place…. ( and that would be considered as the baby’s domicile for life?… not sure :/

    would this make any difference at the time of school admissions if we shift later to delhi?

    please let me know your if you have ever come across a similar situation

  28. anuradha Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    I residing in Panipat & my son birth in 2010 in Panipat (Haryana). I want to change /rename his name in Birth certificate . Plz help me how can I change /rename my son name in Original Birth Certificate.

    In the birth certificate in mention name is Avi. and Adhaar card and school mention name is Aarav. I want change certificate name. What i do.

    Waiting for your response
    Thanking you

  29. anil sharma Avatar
    anil sharma

    i do not have birth certificate of my son but i would like to make passport, plz advice.. he has completed just y years having the addhar it appropriate documents for pass port as birth certificate..
    anil sharma

  30. Amod kumar Avatar
    Amod kumar

    Dear Amit,
    . I am live in Gurgaon.My son was born at my village in 2010 and now I need his birth certificate.what documents are required for certificate.most urgent.wetting Reply my phone or email.

  31. puja Avatar

    I am not sure if my sons birth certificate is original. Can u please share the image of the birth certificate

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Puja, pls contact the local municipal body to check the authenticity of birth certificate.

  32. Tshankar Avatar

    Hi, i just got the birth certificate of my child done. I think the process to be followed is as below..
    1) hospital sends birth details to municipal office
    2) go to municipal office and get the birth certificate without name issued. Rs. 35 fees in Gurgaon.
    3) Go to notary and get your child’s name affidavit done based on the details in the birth certificate – date of birth, parents name, place of birth etc along with name of the baby.

    This should be sufficient for now as your kids identity document. However if you want to get name added then
    4) get adhar card done basis name less birth certificate and affidavit. Again a requirement in Gurgaon.
    5) once adhar is done, submit a request in municipal office for name addition basis adhar card..takes about 20 days and Rs. 85/- fee in gurgaon.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thanks for summarising the process. Sure this will help lots of people.

      1. Raju Chauhan Avatar
        Raju Chauhan

        Dear Amit Gupta Sir,
        please suggestion me my baby birth in house and i have birth certificate apply and registration please tell me the process i request for contact no: 9643456726…and Email ID:
        Thanks & Regards,

    2. Nidhi Avatar

      Thank you. Very helpful. What was the stamp paper value on which affidavit was done?

  33. deepak Avatar

    my baby born in SGT hospital at gurgaon in july 2016. till now i can’t make birth certifacte. plz suggest process how make cetifacte.

  34. Nitin Singh Avatar
    Nitin Singh

    Hi The process is simple (For making mistakes). Got the birth certificate with wrong address as mentioned by Amit in his blog. And yes i too thanked god for correct parents name.

    There is no online process to add the child name and keep running to MCG office till the time you are successful.

  35. Palak Avatar

    Sir ..mere baby ki delivery 20 March 2018 Ko Ayushman hospital m hue h sec 91 gurgn …how can I get my baby birth certificate…now m in West Bengal..I can’t come there…plz Tel me how can I get my baby birth certificate

  36. Amit Gupta Avatar
    Amit Gupta

    I had adopted a child.
    Now I am trying to get birth certificate and Aadhar. Card on her name. We have only adoption deed and hospital records where she was born. She is 7 months old.
    Please tell me the procedure

  37. ANKUR Avatar

    Thanks a lot Mr. Amit. The process you have mentioned is quite simpler. I followed the same and get the work done 🙂

    Thanks a lot and God Bless You 🙂

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