A Decade of Relationship



This day 10 years ago, I owned something which to many was of no use. I got myself an e-mail id. Though now I am maried to gmail but my first love is my hotmail id  “yaaden at hotmail dot com.

10 years ago people used to ask me , who will send you an email. Only handful of people used to have internet connections in India and I remember paying Rs2/min ($1.25/ Hour) to access the internet from cyber cafes. And set was simple 4-5 machines getting the internet feed from a single dial-up. It used to take me 20 min to check my mail account.The email on the CV used to be the most decorative thing at that time.

Now 10 years down, the way we communcate and interact has changed. Internet as a medium is access to a lot more population. People are using the medium for things which may not be thinkable even few years back.

I always wanted to be part of the internet revolution which has changed our lives. I wanted to create something which will bring internet closer to people. Today I am proud to work as a Product Manager with People interactive ,one of the leading Internet organization of the country. I have seen Makaan.com (A real estate portal) the latest venture of my organization taking shape in last one year. This has given me a feeling of empowerment of creating a online product which is making life simpler for the world.

2 responses to “A Decade of Relationship”

  1. Mayank Avatar

    congrats bhai! mast haiga!!!!!

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