Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1

Internet Explorer 8 beta 1 

I have just checked out Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 version and Firefox3. I would not be comparing them but there are certain new feature I liked about both of them.

But the most exciting feature to me is Actiities in IE8. I lets to do certain activities on the webpage you are working on. Its like talking to many other application from one page (uff.. internet making me lazzy and more demanding every day).  Though the application integrated are few but all are worth mentioning.

See how useful a Live Map application can be for a real estate site. No clicks , No tabs and you get what you want. I have tried looking for Noida and a map was there (That too fairly close).

Internet explorer 8 beta 1

 There are many more activities which can be done on a click like Google search , Blogging with Live Space and define with Encarta.  Microsoft keep exploring….. 


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