Let’s go shopping. Yahoo!

Three more days of agonizing wait when I’ll get to see my bank account buzz with my monthly funding (My Salary But of course). On my shopping list would be grocery, vegetables, household stuff and woof… my account will be looking like a desert by 10th of the month.

This left me wondering what people with fat balances have on their shopping list. Many like to sprulz on themselves, some like to go on world tour, few will buy private planes and liners and for fewer it will mean real serious business.

So when I heard that Microsoft is planning to go shopping . I knew that they gonna spend some cool money. The company in question is none other than the internet giant Yahoo. And $45 Billion for the bargain is no small money by any chance. If this deal goes through it would be the largest transaction in the online world after the Times Warner-AOL deal.

But think of the synergies of the merged entity. And all of this to combat GOOGLE. Google has been the biggest headace of both Microsoft and Yahoo since early days. Google has changes the rules of the games and in style. Whatever they have planned , made sure they executed it to perfection. All their creations and acquisitions are ruling the internet.

Future will tell what would be the outcome of the deal or  the merged entity but one thing for sure that internet is not meant for the weak hearted shoppers.

One response to “Let’s go shopping. Yahoo!”

  1. Mayank Avatar

    it’s $ 45.6 B not $ 85 b 🙂

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