Original Degree from Delhi University after 17 years
Nostalgic trip to my college (Ramjas College, Delhi University) to get the original graduation degree from Delhi University after…
Gamification MooC Coursera
Hurray ! I received the verified certificate today for the Gamification Course completed on Coursera. This was the…
Future of Gamification & Virtual reality
Facebook has recently bought a virtual reality firm Oculus Rift for US$2 billion. Oculus Rift makes Virtual Reality…
Pledge to Vote – India Election 2014
Independent India’s first polling station was set up at Kalpa in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. As these…
Gamification Coursera Written Assignment 3- ShareAll
Here’s the Third & Final assignment I submitted for the Gamification MOOC on Coursera by Prof Kevin Werbach.…
Gamification Coursera Written Assignment 2- City Health
Here’s the second assignment I submitted for the Gamification MOOC on Coursera by Prof Kevin Werbach, Associate Professor…
Gamification – Coursera Written Assignment 1- Cereals Inc
I recently took a Gamification Course on Coursera. This is a 10 week MOOC conducted by Prof Kevin…
Reissue of Indian Passport at Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) Gurgaon
Passport Seva Kendra better known as PSK are launched by Ministry of external affairs in partnership with Tata…
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