Waiting in the Wings


 We humans always wanted to fly and rule the skies. Modern age has literally brought flying within the reach of common man. With India skies opening up there are airlines that are trying every trick in the book to lure the customers. Good we are flying places.


But on the flip side, airports have become crowded and the sky seems to be choked with the air traffic. Scenes at airports are no different from a railway stations. Long queues, delayed flights, frustrated passengers and airline staff carrying a plastic smile with no satisfactory answers to passenger’s query.


Flights are delayed because of weather, delayed in coming flights, air traffic congestion, security and what not. But at all time commuters are at the receiving end. At least traveling between Delhi – Mumbai, delayed has become part of the total travel time. Couldn’t recall when I have completed the journey in stipulated time duration.


Though fortunately there is up-gradation work going on at both the cities and Infact similar work is been done across airports in the country. I think, this inconvenience is a small price to be gear up and welcome the fliers from across world with open hands and let them feel the real new India.


As of now, Thankfully after waiting in the wings for close to an hour, I am cruising at more than 30000 ft above the sea at the speed of 800 Km /hr. Bon Voyage..

Image Credit : iddeals

One response to “Waiting in the Wings”

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