I am a club hopper now

Just other day while checking mails on my Nokia E63, I noticed an invitation to a B’day bash of my dear friend Vivek Bhatia . I replied promptly for two reasons :

a)  I was too excited to meet old bunch of friends from Time of India after a really long time. 
b) Wanted to check , how does ‘send from my mobile device’ appears in my mail signature

So on the D day, we (me and wify) found ourselves the first one to turn out at Turquoise Cottage, Vasant Vihar as usual following the date and time on the invitation (9 PM on July 04). God knows how many more invitations would it take for me to understand that the time mentioned on invitation is only indicative and not to be taken seriously.

Our guest of honor B’day boy arrived the last and got well deserved bumps on right place :). Party continued well past midnight and it was time us all to say goodbye to TC (Bouncers reminded us politely to leave by first stopping to play music and then switching off the room AC and television). We have made up our mind to head back to Gurgaon and were exchanging goodbye greeting in haste (Stories of bouncers treating guest at gurgaon disco flashed in front of me).

And then, Vivek suddenly decides that before he turns too old to dance by next year, he want to party harder. For me any dance party beyond midnight is generally at marriage function or a jagaran. So the moment of my life arrived (I have to hop clubs remember) , when we all headed for Capitol the Disc @ The Ashoka at 2:00 AM.

Capitol, The AshokaMy first hand experience of Delhi party crowd begins right from the entry date to the Hotel Ashoka. God! it seems I was stranded at Delhi-Gurgaon expressway in the morning office hours. Every one was jostling for the precious parking space. Like a true Indian, I parked my car on the road outside without wasting any more time. The scene at the entry to the disc was no better, it seems ration shops are distributing kerosene to BPL card holders. And very true to market scenario our group sneaked into the disc surpassing the all other needy thanks to our friend Gagan Myne .

The disc was full and over flowing with maddening crowd. We also shaked our legs to the deafening DJ music for an hour and so. This was when middle class traits of m and wify made us realize we should be back home before the first light of the daybreak. This marks ends to my first experience of club hopping.

BTW entry back to gurgaon via the toll plaza was a breeze at that hour.

One response to “I am a club hopper now”

  1. puneet Avatar

    🙂 so this was the post you reminded me over phone to read!
    aah things have changed so much that people need to tell me on phone to get online! almost like taking printouts of emails for a casual sunday reading!!
    nice and rocking post buddy….

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