My fascination for the city Kolkata ended as soon as I found myself struck in an unusual Traffic jam to airport. A normal route of 30 min took me close to two hours. And for the first time in my life I missed the flight. Now that’s a bizarre feeling of helplessness. It took me another 30 mins to convince the duty manager that in all my good intention I never wanted to miss the flight. Fortunately I managed a ticket in the first flight out which was next day morning @ 7:00 AM
So I was there at the terminal (The first thought struck me was The Terminal, starrin g Tom Hanks) . But I thought it was only couple of hours before I could return back to my good old Delhi. I decided to catch some sleep at the lounge before airport start buzzing with travelers for the first flight @ 5:00 AM.
But, as the fate would have within 30 min there was tsunami of people who captured the terminal all geared up with stuff for night stay. There were people all around trying to capture every bit of space possible. I have never experienced this before; the airport looks like a railway platform. I had to move to a chair in corner for respite.
But this was only the beginning, best was yet to come. At around 2:00 Pm a airport official woke me up. I was just amused when I saw him equipped him with old age mosquito repellent which throws a lot of smoke. He practically filled the complete airport with heavy smoke to ensure a mosquito free airport.
I just managed to get a two-hour sleep before getting into my flight back. I am happy that my stay @ terminal got terminated after just one night.
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