Organ Trade in Gurgaon, India

 Every print and news media in India was clogged with news of a organ trade unearthed in millennium city of Gurgaon. This racket, which was operational in major part of country, was run by group of surgeons for last 6-7 years.

They have state of the art medical setup to operate and transplant organs of needy to their rich and effluent clients in India and overseas. They were minting money by exploiting the poor and needy by luring them with money or false job promises.

But what gives them this opportunity is our own law of land, which does not permit organ transplant from anyone beyond one’s family. The essence of the law was to prevent commercialization of organ transplant. But it has paved way for the flourishing organ trade where huge monies are exchanged and the donors end up exploited at the hands of these so called doctors.

In my view, all of those involved in such heinous crime should be shown no mercy by the law and an example should be set for others.Further, regulatory authorities should spread awareness about organ donations (Like the campaign for eye donation) to promote donations after death. And make some provision in the law to allow a non relative to donate the organ for a adequate compensation.

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