Why and How to create Branded Content

Advertising has been the most preferred and important medium of selling products. It has evolved and adapted to the new technologies & communication medium over the period of time.

But in recent times marketers, especially digital marketers are finding it hard to reach and communicate to the target audience in an effective way with traditional advertising. While, people like to make informed decisions, but don’t like being sold to.  So traditional advertising is becoming less effective and is failing to win customers trust & build a long-term relationship.

Advertising vs branded content

“Advertising is dead; long live the branded content”

Here Branded content (not to be confused with native advertising, product placement & blogs) comes as an effective and powerful solution.

So, what is Branded Content?

Branded content is the content (articles, videos, infographics, shows, events etc) created and promoted by the advertisers to increase awareness about the product category and the brand values. Here brand may not be the hero but is an integral part of the overall storytelling (and /or message) connecting audience at an emotional level.

The product & brand marketers should work on building a long-term strategy around branded content.

Why Branded Content?

  • People tend to trust your brand more when they believe you are not selling to them.

branded content - native advertising

  • Your audience builds an emotional bond with your brand, as you are being a consultant to them.
  • Your audience is more likely to engage with and share branded content to their network (effectively be your brand ambassadors).

Content is King then Branded Content is the Emperor.

How to create an effective Branded Content?

  • Branded content is about connecting and engaging with customers before they make their purchasing decision.
  • There is a subtle build up from the value of the category, the benefit to the customer and with no apparent push for sales.
  • The content should have the brand and brand values wrapped well within.
  • Communicate the solution via storytelling with emotions and in audience’s language. Remember the key rule WIFM (What’s in for me ?)
  • Select the right distribution partner. The effectiveness of your message (branded content) to a large extent is driven by the authority (on the subject) & authenticity (reputation) of the medium (publishing platform).
  • Most importantly remember, it’s a ‘Branded Content’ and your audience knows about it.

Cannes Entertainment Lions

The Entertainment Lions celebrate the creativity that turns content into the culture. Entries will need to demonstrate ideas that are unskippable; that is, work which captivated in order to cut-through, communicate a brand message or connected with consumers in a new way.

  ‘Beyond Money’ by MRM//McCann Spain, Madrid for Santander Bank won the Grand Prix at 2017 Cannes.

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