Adventurous trip to Leh (Ladhakh)

So finally I got a well deserved break from the daily routine with a long pending family vaccation. My Wify always wanted to see some snow clad mountains and I wanted to go on some adventure holiday. And we discovered a perfect mix in the Land of Lamas-Leh.

I have done some goggling before packing our bags for the leh. Few useful tips based on suggestions and personal experiences:

a) Leh is on high altitude and really high 😉 So you are bound to suffer from high altitude sickness. The degree of effect may vary from person to person. Common effects:

Ø Headache

Ø Vomiting

Ø Bleeding from nose

To overcome this you need to drink lots and lots of water. And don’t venture out as soon as you reach Leh. give some time to your body to acclimatized to the conditions. We rested for one full day before any activity.

b) Carry warm cloths, jackets , Caps/Hats nd pair of good sunglasses. (Thanks abhishek for your jacket.)

c) Consult your doctor and take medicines to control effects of High altitude. Carry some first aid medicines with you like Paracitamol, Eno , Disprin , Anti Vomiting drug etc.

We were stationed at Kharu (40 km from Leh) in a beautiful army guesthouse. We didn’t venture out anywhere on this day. Though I can’t resist clicking the beautiful Leh and Sheh city on our way to the guesthouse.

Day 1. We flew with early morning flight of Kingfisher Red (As if we had other options). There are daily flights to Leh from Delhi by Kingfisher Red, Jet airways and Indian. It was a very comfortable flight (highly recommended). Delhi – Leh flight is for 1hr 10 min but there is a difference of more than 10000 feet in height and a variation of 40 degrees in temperature. We landed at Leh airport around 8:30 AM and the temperature outside was 2 degree Celsius.

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Day 2. We were off to Leh city.

a) Hall of Fame: War memorial by Indian army. No photography allowed inside the building but it treasure the war memorabilia’s and weapons from the war fought in this zone, including the Operation Vijay (Kargil war)

b) Magnetic hill : On our way to Gurudwara Pathar Sahib there is a place which supposedly have magnetic properties. Our SUV was pulled towards the hill in engine off condition.

c) Gurudwara Pathar sahib : The Gurudwara got its name from the huge rock (Pathar) which was thrown on Guru Nanak dev ji by some devil. The rock turned soft on touching Guru Nanak Dev and got molded in his shape.

d) Sangam of Indus and zanskar river : Beautiful place where two meets. we had lot of fun at the banks of the rivers’. Couple of hours just passed away.

e) Leh market : Markets are stuffed with woolens, handicrafts and Chinese stuff. Nice place to roam around. I am no shopoholic, so not much interested.

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Few more days of leh watch out the next post J

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