Passport for minor in India

As promised I am back to lock horn again with the Passport office. Three years back I had a tough time to reissue passport after expiry of 10 years. But this time its for my sweetheart little baby. She now has a Date of Birth Certificate , a Pan Card and a Postage Stamp of her own 🙂 Next target to get her the passport.

Though the best & most authentic source for information on procedure, documents required, FAQs on the topic would be the official Delhi passport office website  but still here’s my personal experience which might be helpful for you guys. The rules and process keep on changing so please refer to the official site for latest regulations and processes.

Step 1 : Application form (29th May 2011)

I suggest you fill-up the online application form to ensure you have an appointment and can dodge the long queue outside the passport office in Delhi (BTW regional passport office in Delhi is situated at Bikaji Cama Place , Behind Hotel Hyatt). This is the easiest of all. Fill up the basic details of the minor.

online passport application form for minor

You can also select the date and time of the appointment for submitting the application form. The time on the application is only indicative , applications are accepted on first come first serve basis. So no worries if you are late or early. Its better to be early just in case you missed out on any document and need a copy etc.

Documents for the passport for minor

a.  Print out of the online application (6 pages including 2 PP forms). There are multiple fields which need to be filled manually (No overwriting allowed) e.g. Passport details of parents, Date of birth in words etc

b. Paste 3 photographs (3.5cm X 3.5 cm) on the form. DO NOT SIGN (THUMB-PRINT) ON PHOTOS

Update 21 Dec 2014 : As per official passport site ; “Minor applicants below the age of 4 years need to carry a passport size photograph for the processing of application at the PSK/PO. For applicants above the age of 4 years, photographs will be captured at the PSK/PO itself.”

c. Use blue or black ink for taking minor’s thumb impression on the form

Self Attested (Signed by parents) copies of the following :

a. Date of Birth certificate (Issued by local municipal corporation)

b. Marriage Certificate of Parents or Affidavit

c. Annexure H

d. Address proof

e. Copies of passport of parents (First and last four pages)

Passport Fee for Minor :

Fresh Passport for Minors (below 18 years of Age) of 5 years validity or till the minor attains the age of 18 which ever is earlier. Rs  600/-

Tatkal Passport Fee for Minor :

I opted to apply under tatkal scheme for issue of passport.  You would need couple of more documents and additional fees of Rs 1500.

You need to submit a application of plain paper to convert your application to the tatkal. There is no standard format for the application. I have used the following :

The PRO,

Passport Office , Delhi

This is to request you to process passport application of my daughter <Name> under tatkal scheme.


<Name> <Relation>

Additionally , “Annexure I” was required on a notarized affidavit non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10. That’s why you need to reach passport office early. No worries you can get the affidavit done from Notary sitting at bikaji Cama place building. I got it for Rs. 100. Also there is a photocopier guy right within the passport office building .

It is advised to carry a couple of pens, extra photocopies and plain A4 sheets with you just in case they ask for some application. Be careful with your originals , carry them all for verification.

Passport for minor in India - indian passport

At Passport Office (07th  June 2011)

a. We reached well in advance of a warm sunny and hot day. To top it all the queue is now shifted to open space behind the passport office building. There are two counter for passport application and one for miscellaneous service  counter. These are only for ONLINE applications.

b. Even though online application enable us to dodge some 200 non online applicants in serpant queue but the online queue was long enough. Be patient as every applicant takes some 10 mins at the counter.

c. On counter itself you can convert your application into the TATKAL. the officer at counter was very polite and helpful. He attached a white paper on top of documents and suggested to write an application and get “Annexure I”.

d. Thankfully we didn’t have to get again into the line and our application was stamped for verification by PRO (sitting at Misc service counter)

e. The queue at that counter was not very long and took 30 odd min. The PRO validated our passports and signed the application.

f. The signed application was again to be submitted to the original counter. Thankfully again we need not stand in line. We paid the total fee of (600 + 1500 = 2100).

g. We are issued a receipt with the  promise of delivery within a week.

Update 1. (09th  June 2011)

The passport status page is showing as “Application is pending for want of Police Report.”

You can also find the complete list of documents

Update 2. (13th  June 2011)

Passport is delivered to our address through speed post. The status on site though still shows “Police verification pending”

The passport is issued for Five years and for once I need to admit this was a super smooth process. My Fairy now has a passport to FLY 🙂

Update 3. (26th  June 2011)

Police verification done for for my daughter 🙂

Update 4. (30th  June 2011)

Passport Status updated as passport dispatched on 10th of June 2011. Funny but it’s Okie.

Update (Feb 13, 2013)

My wife has applied for reissue of passport with change in name and addition of spouse name under Tatkal today.

255 responses to “Passport for minor in India”

  1. […] (July 13, 2011) : I have got passport for my minor daughter under tatkal and surprisingly got the same within 4 working […]

  2. […] (July 13, 2011) : I applied for passport for my minor daughter under Tatkal and got it within 4 working […]

  3. palani Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the valuable information. Now I can apply passport for my kid without depend on pp agent. Please keep the good work.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      @palani you are welcome

      1. Vikrant Avatar

        A very informative article. I am looking for a passport for my daughter – all of 3 months and everything else was fine – except for her-a verification certificate stating the person is staying at one location for one year – obviously did not apply 🙂
        So I take it from your article that for minors , tatkal does not require a verification certificate ?
        Currently Delhi office is not accepting Tatkal applications under the 3 ID scheme.

        1. Amit Avatar

          Thanks Vikrant

          1. gopal Avatar


            Who should sign in anexure I.. My child or parents??

  4. Sudhanshu Avatar

    Thanks for the valuable info.. I’m also planning to apply for tatkaal passport for my new born son. I’ve downloaded the form and just wondering if we require minor’s thumb impression on the PP form photos. Please let me know.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Sudhanshu, minor’s thumb impression is required at all places like a normal application. The photos should not have any thumb impression. Just ensure you get Annexure I on stamp paper 10 Rs and a application on plain paper

  5. kavitha Avatar


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Try speaking to the PRO at the passport office. They will resolve your case.

  6. Gyan Avatar

    Dear Amit,

    I am applying passport for my son.
    Could you tell me Annexure – I should have whose name in
    I, name ……
    This should be name of my son of myself.
    In same line, please tell me for below column
    (i) Father :

    (ii) Mother :

    (iii) Wife/Husband :


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I got this in name of my daughter. The notary generally have the format rwady with them…they will do it for you.

  7. Manoj Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    Thanks for useful information. I am applying for passport of my baby online and wanted to clarify this.
    Please correct me if i am wrong on this –
    Baby’s thumb signature will ONLY be on first page of application in the box given, close to his/her photo.
    Rest all places, e.g. section-19 (self-declaration) and PP forms, i can sign as Father and dont need baby’s thumb impression there.
    This is what i read at few other links/discussion.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I have put in the baby thumb impression on all the places where applicants signatures were required. I only signed the photocopies of the documents.

  8. Amit Gupta Avatar

    This in reply to query by Sunil on email.

    Thanks Sunil for liking the post and finding it valuable. I will again add all the information is my personal experience , please contact your Regional Passport office or FAQ ( on passport site for complete information.

    Q.For Tatkal Passport. Annexure ‘F’ is required to be acquired by First Class Officer from Govt. Did you attach that?
    A.We didn’t attached Annexure ‘F’ signed or endorsed by First Class Officer from Govt. Though the Passport officer asked for an Annexure ‘I’ and an application on blank paper to convert normal process to tatkal.

    Q. Second what about the signature? who will sign on form? minor or parents?
    A. All documents should be signed by parents except the application. the application including the Police verification form should have thumb impression of the child in black/blue ink.

    Q. Requirement of passport copy from both parents is necessary or mother’s passport is sufficient.. because address on our respective passport is different..
    A. I have attached self attested photocopy of the passports of both of us. The address were different on both the passports and in-fact we are now living at the third address. So all the three passports now has different address 🙂

    Q.did you attached marriage certificate.. as we don’t have marriage certificate or any such proof..
    A. Yes, we submitted the marriage certificate and date of birth certificate of the child.

    1. sunil khera Avatar
      sunil khera

      Thanks for such a quick and valuable response.. cheers!! 🙂

    2. sunil khera Avatar
      sunil khera

      hi Amit..

      The above FAQs are based on my query on 27 June 2011.. Yesterday I applied the passport for my 10 months old baby. It was really a smooth and hassle free function. Here I would like to tell you about marriage certificate, It was not required in my case as I had attached it but the guy sitting behind the counter returned it to me.

      So, I just attached :
      1. Form
      2. PP Form
      3. Birth Certificate
      4. Address Proof (It was my baby’s Bank Passbook.)
      5. Passport of mine and my wife
      6. and last Annexure ‘H’ signed by me and my wife.
      7. Rs.600/- fee.

      Thanks again!!

      1. Amit Gupta Avatar

        Thanks Sunil. You are most welcome

  9. Avinash Avatar

    Dear Amit, I am applying for my minor son, six years old. Please reconfirm whether Annexure-I is to be submitted on behalf of my minor son? i.e. would my son sign it (thumb impression?)

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I have signed the Annexure I and there was no thumb impression of my daughter was required.

  10. Vijay Avatar

    I tried to fill online form, but the earliest date i am getting is 11th July. Will it be too tough to get passport for my son without filling online form.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I have applied online and the advantage is that you have two separate lines for the online appointments. There was a really long queue for the people without online appointment.

      1. Vijay Avatar

        Thanks for replying back.. but there are more problems for me here… I have just realised that the birth certificate of my son doesn’t have his name mentioned on that (Name column is blank)… i have submitted the application with MCD to get his name on that.. but it will take about 20 days… is there any alternative of birth certificate… some kind of Affidevit? Any idea?

        1. Amit Gupta Avatar

          Yes it will take 20 days to get name on birth certificate and In gurgaon they issue it in hindi. And then another 20 days to get the name in english. I am not aware of alternative to this to apply for passport.

          1. Vijay Avatar

            Thanks a ton Amit…… i submitted my son’s passport application today… with all the documents as you mentioned in your post….. submitting form online turned out to be best thing… normal line had around 400-500 people standing in that…… and at online counter only 10 odd people standing… it took less then an hour to complete all the formalities….. now awaiting for passport to reach home…..

            Thanks again…… i will recommand your post to all my friends also….

          2. Amit Gupta Avatar

            Pleasure. Best of luck track the passport online. It took only 5 days for us. Do recommend this article further.

  11. Tushar Bhagat Avatar
    Tushar Bhagat

    Dear Amit,
    Your blog is very useful for first-timers like us.
    I want to get tatkaal passport for my new born. I was told that Annexure I is required to bypass police verification before passport issuance (i.e. post-verification).
    An affidavit cannot be signed by a minor. Though you have stated above that Annexure I has to be signed by parent and yet the name of deponent will that of minor. I am confused whether minor’s thumb impression will be required in Annexure I?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi tushar, in my case i have signed it on behalf of my daughter and didn’t put the thumb impression. but it is advisable to carry the stamp pad and child with you, just in case it is required.

  12. Bhawna Avatar

    is it mandatory to carry minor with you in the passport office ?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Not mandatory to carry the child. But it is advisable just in case you need any thumbprint or photo of the child. It will save you the hassle of second visit.

  13. sunil Avatar

    Hi Amit, Cn you tell me / help me reg passport of my new born baby, my understanding is :

    1. Aplication form is same for minor
    2. NO police varification required for minor.
    3. Address proof : I am livig in Indonesia while my wife is in India in this case what address proff i have to attach.
    4. Can I apply online, minor PP and then go to PP office on given time & date.
    5. Is there any document which i have to get from Indonesia ? however I am going to India visit durng my stay I will apply for passport of my new born baby.

    pl help me

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      1. If you are planning to apply online. The drop down has an option : passport for minor
      2. Police verification was done in my daughter’s case even for tatkal passport
      3. question no 10
      4. Yes that is a better way of applying after taking an online appointment.
      5. Your passport and consent is required. And proof of address for details refer to

  14. Hemant Miglani Avatar
    Hemant Miglani

    Hi Amit

    I have to apply for passport under Tatkal Scheme for my 15 days old daughter. I am not sure about following things –

    1. Is Verification Certificate rquired or not ?
    2. Do I need to submit 3 address/id proofs ? I have following
    a. PAN Card
    b. Bank Statement from HDFC Bank
    c. Landline Phone Bill from Airtel
    d. Passport but with old address
    3. Is it mandatory to have name in english on Birth Certificate ?


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Hemant,
      1. I didn’t submitted any verification certificate for my daughter.
      2. Landline bill and Bank statement from any private service provider was not accepted by the Passport office (I tried to do so while applying for my passport).
      3. Photocopy of passport of either/both parents is required.
      4. Not sure, But i have the birth certificate in English for my daughter. You can carry the notarized translation Just in Case.

      1. Hemant Miglani Avatar
        Hemant Miglani

        Hi Amit

        Thanks for your reply.

        My problem is that i dont have any govt. issued document with my current address.
        I work for a Small IT company located in DLF-SEZ Gurgaon. Can i have my current address on the letter head of the company.


        1. Amit Gupta Avatar

          tough call dude. As per passport site “certificate from Employer of reputed companies on letter head” is also an option for address proof but this is very subjective statement.

          1. Hemant Miglani Avatar
            Hemant Miglani

            I submitted application for my daughter’s passport today with following documents

            1. Form 1
            2. PP Forms – 2 (for police verification)
            3. My Passport’s Copy (with my wife’s name endorsed on it)
            4. Copy of my wife’s paasport
            5. Marriage Certificate
            6. Birth Certificate
            7. Annex. H
            8. Annex. I
            9. Address Proof ( with my current address which is different from address mentioned on my passport)
            a. Transfer Letter of HUDA
            b. HDFC Bank Statement + Covering letter
            c. Airtel Landline Bill
            10. Letter to RPO reauesting him to process the application under tatkal scheme.

            Verification Certificate was not required as my passport was also issued by the same passport office (delhi). But it is required in case paasport of both the parents’ are issued from a different passport office.

            Also, i applied for surname change in passport of my wife. But i have still not received the new passport so i provided copy of my wife’s cancelled passport along with the cash receipt.

            I hope this will help people who are in a similar situation.

            Thanks Amit

            Keep Up the good work

          2. Amit Gupta Avatar

            wondering did they accept HDFC as valid proof of identification ?

          3. radhika misra Avatar
            radhika misra

            also, my daughter’s birth cert has her name in hindi…do i need a translation for it?

            thanks man this is very helpful. more than the rpo site!

          4. Amit Avatar

            You can get a birth certificate issued in english or get a certified translation of the same from local court.

          5. radhika misra Avatar
            radhika misra

            hi hemant

            i stood in line too on 3rd and was told effectively to bugger off. i had the same docs as you, including a verification cert. the problem was with the VC as the designation of the officer who signed it was not on the list of the passport office website.

            anyhow, my passport is infact issued at delhi and now i am wondering if i should just apply without the VC, given your experience.

            still wondering about the airtel landline bill and the hdfc statement….did they accept that? i have a gas agency bill and booklet too.

            dude this is too tough!

          6. Hemant Miglani Avatar
            Hemant Miglani

            Hi Radhika
            This is Strange.
            Maybe your passport was issued under Tatkal Scheme, and the database is not updated with the Police Verification that was done after issue of the. passport.

            Also, you dont need a Birth Certificate (BC) in Emglish. My daughter’s BC is in Hindi and that was accepted.

  15. Pooja Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I had a query. I have my maiden name on my passport and my passport does not include my husbands name. Neither does my husbands passport include my name. Will this cause a problem? I read somewhere that this is a requirement…


  16. Pooja Avatar


    I had a query. I need to apply for my baby’s passport. My passport still has my maiden name and it does not carry my husbands name. Neither does my husbands passport carry my name. Is it required for either of our passports to include the spouses name in order to get our baby’s passport?


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Pooja, we had the similar issue but we had no problem in getting the passport for our daughter. My wife has maiden name on passport and we don;t have each other name included in passports. But we carried the copy of our marriage registration.

  17. Radhika misra Avatar
    Radhika misra

    hi amit,

    First of all please accept my thanks for writing this blog about passport for minors!

    this gave me enough confidence to NOT go the agent route. may thanks.

    i successfully applied today finally for both kids, fresh passport and a reissue after five year expiry. easy peasy!

    many thanks again. i did not in fact need any of those annoying documents ie the VC and annexure I.

    I am taking a cue from you and writing about this on my blog as well. will link to you with many thanks!



    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thanks a lot Radhika.

  18. rama Avatar

    Hi AMIT
    I am reapplying for my 18 month old son’s lost passport under TATKAL. Both of us (parents) are in the UK.My son came to India to spend 2 months with grandparents and they lost his passport. FIR with police has been filed. We attempted to apply with my Mother-in-law as his guardian with the sworn affidavit from us (parents)attested by Indian embassy, London. But the Passport office people (Hyderabad) insisted that both parents must be present for applying minor’s passport in TATKAL (in cases of reapplying for lost Minor’s passports). We are planning to come to India to apply. I am wondering what are the documents required

    1. Do we need child’s address proof? (applying with the same address as in old passport)(parents don’t have any address proof in India, except Mother’s passport that contains the same address that we want to apply with)
    2. Do we need Annexure F (specimen varification certificate)?
    3. Do they necessarily need both parents there? is it not enough that one parent is present with the other parents sworn affidavit from Indian High commision, UK?

    please answer these questions to help me out of this miserable ordeal. thank you.

  19. dormn Avatar

    Hey i m going 2 apply for fresh pasport for my whole family.
    I also want 2 apply for my kids. But I dont have a passport so it it possible?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      yes it is possible to apply for passport for whole family together. You need to mention the parent’s file no on the passport.

  20. Saurabh Gandhi Avatar
    Saurabh Gandhi

    Good Work Amit, after reading your article all the fear of dealing with government offices has gone away 🙂

  21. lakshmi Avatar

    my daughter’s (age 15) passport is expiring on october 14,2006. She needs to travel to dubai . what is the procedure for the renewal of her passport and how long will it take to get the passport renewed? also would like to know the charges for the renewal and the documents needed for the same.

  22. Nitin Gautam Avatar
    Nitin Gautam

    Amit thanks for this gr8 post. I have applied online for my son and got date of 7th Sep can I go before that date?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Not sure. I don’t think they will entertain application before date.

  23. Vishal Rastogi Avatar
    Vishal Rastogi

    Hi Amit,

    Thanks for the detailed info. I really appreciate your efforts.
    I am also applying for my daughter’s passport. I am facing weird problem regarding thumb impression. It is not very clear the way impression lines are visible for adults. Is it ok or I need to make sure the prints of thumb should be clear. Did Passport Officer comment anything for this in ur case.

    I know this weird but as you may also faced this with ur daughter.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar
      Amit Gupta

      @Vishal, We have taken the impression when she was sleeping. Don’t remember how the impression were but the passport officer was not very concerned about it. He focused more on the papers.

  24. Nitesh Joshi Avatar
    Nitesh Joshi

    Thanks amit for the Blog.It gives immense confidence to go for the process.
    I had applied for my 2 years old son’s passport under tatkal scheme and much to our delight received the passport within 4-5 working days.We applied to Ghaziabad Passport office.This blog certainly helps to prepare for the application process.We had submited following documents along with the Passport form.
    1.Annexure I
    2.Marriage Certificate copy
    3.Birth certificate copy.
    4.Gas connection bill as address proof.
    5.passport copy of mine and my wife.

    1. shanti Avatar

      For a minor applicant, do you use the same format for Annexure I (that is, the affidavit is made by the minor) or do you change the Annexure I format to make it an affidavit by one of the parents on behalf of the minor?


      1. Ritesh Chopra Avatar
        Ritesh Chopra

        Can you please share if you updated the format of Annexure I and submitted by Parent on behalf of minor? Or submitted it as is.

    2. ASHISH Avatar


      1. Amit Gupta Avatar


  25. lakshmi Avatar

    Hi Mr. Amit,

    I have few doubts regarding my daughter’s passport.I am planning to take passport for my 7years old daughter. she resides in Kerala. In my passport my husband name is not included, since I could not produce the marriage certificate on time of my passport renewal. But my name is mentioned in my husband’s passport. His passport was issued from Chennai. Please advise, whether we can apply her passport in Kerala with the proof of her father’s passport? All her other certificates like, birth certificate, ration card everything is from kerala only. Please advise.



    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The passport is generally applied to RPO from the place where you are presently living. So if you are residing in kerala you apply to local RPO and your or your husband’s passport could have been issued from any location.

  26. Ujwala Avatar


    I am ujwala Tayade .i m actually separated from my husband form 9 months.i am not divorced.
    i m a mother of 3 yrs .old daughter.she stays with me.
    I want to apply for her passport.
    I have my passport with my maiden name. And i dont have my marraige certificete..My husband will not sign for my child’s passport.
    And as i have my maiden name passport and my daughter has birth certificate with her fathers name.
    So,..can i get her passport..Please suggest me something…

  27. lazarus bright Avatar
    lazarus bright

    I need passport for my grant son 20 months old.Both parents have Indian passports but with different addresses. Shoud the addresses of the parents entered in the passports be the same for their child to get Passport. The names of the spouces are already entered in their respective passports.Some RPOs insist same addresses. Kindly clarify.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I don’t think RPO will insist on same address as the validity of passport is of 10 years and the address may be different on spouses passport

  28. adu Avatar

    i m 17 yrs old..wat documents nd annexures do i require to obtain a passport of 10yrs validity?

  29. nikhil arora Avatar
    nikhil arora

    HI, AMIT

  30. Parag Jain Avatar
    Parag Jain

    Hi Amit,

    your site is very useful. I want to apply for my son’s passport and, I have couple of queries in this regard.

    1. Is it really required to submit a seperate address proof, while applying for minor passport. My wife’s address on the passport is our current address.
    2. I have applied for a passport reissue and I am still awaiting for my passport to come. Can I submit copy of my application receipt and mention that in the application form.



  31. Farooq Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    First of all many thanks to you for posting such a nice information.

    I have to apply for my one year old son’s passport under “Tatkal” at Delhi and I have the documents which you have mentioned except the marriage certificate. Moreover, my name is there in my wife’s passport but her name is not present in my passport. Will my application be accepted by passport office?

    Thanks & regards,

  32. Manish S Avatar
    Manish S

    From few more blogs, looks like Annexure I is required ONLY IF you are applying in Tatkal. Amit, can you please confirm ?

  33. Singhal Avatar

    Passport applciation for Minor.
    Today’s experience at Pune’s Passport Office:

    A super smooth experience (except for waiting in the queue, which is fine).

    Reached Passport Office at: 7:25AM (I was 19th in the queue)
    Entered sharp at: 10AM (Inside the office, I was the 2nd one in the queue for Minors)
    There’s a seperate window for minors and government officials.
    Submitted application and Was out at: 10:15AM !!

    Documents I submitted:
    1. Baby’s Birth Certificate
    2. Electricity Bill (Recent and a year and a half old)
    3. Mother’s Bank Statement (Original Submitted)
    4. Anexure H on plain paper (signed by both Mother & Father)
    5. 1st and Last Page photocopies of Father’s passport.
    6. Application Reciept of the Mother’s new passport.
    7. 1st and Last Page photocopies of Mother’s old passport.

    Key Notes:
    1. All photocopies should be self-attested (by both parents preferrably).
    2. Take two copies of the documents. Make two sets, and carry originals with you for verification.
    3. Parents need to sign aside wherever thumb impression is required (OTHER THAN THE FIRST PAGE IN THE BOX, ONLY BABY’S THUMB IMPRESSION SHOULD BE THERE).
    4. Make sure you fill the 2 PP forms too.
    5. No need to cross sign or take cross thumb impressions on any of the photos.
    6. ECNR required : YES for minors. IN category use ‘M’ (which is for all children below 18 years of age).
    7. Fill NA/No for all fields which not applicable. Try not to leave a field blank.
    8. Only 3 photos were needed, i.e. the ones that were pasted on the forms.

    For my case they said that police verification will happen as the address on both the parents passport is not the current one. Though my wife has already applied for a new passport (with the new name after marriage and the new address), but we haven’t received the new passport yet.

    Its a super simple and a super smooth process. Please DO NOT go for agents !

    I unnecessarily had made Annexure I which was not needed. I believe it is needed only for Tatkal Applications.

    Thanks Amit for starting this thread. It’s going to help many people !

    1. Manoj Kumar singh Avatar
      Manoj Kumar singh


      Thanks for the information about the minor passport (for my sweet daughter)my case is also same like you.but in my case my passport copy and my wife passport copy on same address.2mrow i am going at passport office along with the you mention documents.i hope all is well.

      Manoj Kumar singh

    2. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thanks for sharing your experience here. It will surely help people from Pune

  34. Rahul Avatar

    Hi AMit,

    My Name is Rahul saxena and my wife name is priya saxena. Both of our passport has name of each other and our passport was issued in HYD/2007. In my kid DOB certf(he is born in 2006) Father name is mentioned as “Rahul saxena ” and Mother name as “priya ” . The certf doesnt have saxena as surname for my wife.

    When i am applying passport for my kid the offical is saying in DOB cerft of urs kid, the mother name should be “PRIYA SAXENA” not only “PRIYA”. Changing the DOB cretf is really a cursome process. Could you please advice how to sort it out.


  35. Birth Certificate Form Delhi Avatar

    Services on Click helps, provides complete & accurate information about How to, Documents required & Procedure to get Ration Card issued in Delhi by Govt of India.

  36. soma Avatar

    This artible is informative and I have applied my 7 Month old son’s passport in Pune Office today. The queue for minors was empty with only three parents standing in the line so it didn’t take me long to complete the sumission. I submitted all the following documents with the passport application
    1) Birth Certificate
    2) Marriage certificate
    3) Address proof (ICICI Bank statement)
    4) Annexture H.
    The officer at the counter checked the originals of mine and my wife’s passport also he returned both of the Personal Particulars form saying that this was not needed for the minors.
    It took me only 15 min to get all the documents verified and pay the amount. Always carry two sets of the documents including the passport application. It was an very smooth process.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Wow. That’s nice. best of luck

  37. Nitin Grover Avatar
    Nitin Grover

    Hi Amit

    Is it required to have Child’s name on the Birth Certificate, before applying for the child’s passport ?? Do the Passport authorities require the Child’s name to be there on Birth Certificate.. ?? Is it mandatory ??

    Thnx, Nitin

  38. Anuj Gemawat Avatar
    Anuj Gemawat


    Did you have to submit the Annexure H Declaration on a normal A4 paper or on stamp paper?

  39. nitu Avatar

    hi Amit,

    could you tell me following plz.:
    1. if i apply on behalf of my minor new born in delhi, while my husband is abroad, then whose address proofs are to be submitted ( father’s or mother’s)?incase father has only ration card and pan card will that do ?
    2. i have delhi passport , my husband has bombay passport , and we are in dubai since last June 2011but my baby will be born in delhi in march 2012, so what to write in present and permanent address in form I? and what supporting documents need to be attached?
    3.other than Anx. I and sworn affidavit abroad , do i need to produce any other extra document for my minor passport?
    4. If i cannot give original passport of husband as he will be abroad, so will my passport be sufficient?
    5. My passport does not have husband’s name , but my husband’s passport has my name endorsed, so can its photocopy and my original passport stand alone work?

    6. is verification certificate also needed and do i need to paste my photo alongwith baby’s photo on it.does the same needs to be done for Anx. I also?

    Nitu Sharma

  40. Pallavi Pokarna Avatar
    Pallavi Pokarna

    Hi Amit

    Thanks for such informative article. I have few questions. I am applying for passport alongwith my son for the first time after divorce. I have not changed my name back to my maiden name, I am still using my husband’s surname. I do not wish to change my name also. What affidavit will i require to carry along with me as my school leaving certificate (which needs to be carried for birth date) carries my maiden name.

    Also, as I do not have passport what all documents I would be required for my Son.

    Hope to get reply soon

  41. Khalid Avatar

    Dear Amit,
    Wishing you a very happy new year at first. Hope you are doing fine. You have started a really informative & very important topic to know about. i really thank you & appreciate you for this. i have some queries for applying passport for my 2 year old child & my wife. Pls. reply me as soon as possible, if you can, as I have to go abroad within march 2012. Here goes my details & query.
    1. My child is 2 years old.
    2. I have passport from Guwahati.
    3. My wife is from Gwalior & her name is put in our Assam’s ration card.
    4. We are in Delhi, now.
    5. As my wife has no passport so what shall I do about parents’ declaration (annexure ‘H’)? I have read somewhere that if any of the parents has a passport then, you need to attach the photocopy of the same and for the other one, produce affidavit. Is this true? So what is that affidavit format? Will you pls advice?
    6. I want to apply their passports in Guwahati. So what shall I do regarding address? Shall I put my present address as Guwahati? Else how can I get passport in Assam if I put present address as Delhi?
    7. Will our marriage certificate & my passport & the ration card will act as my wife’s address proof?
    8. Lastly, as my wife has no passport so in that case do Annexure ‘H’is needed? What will be process of Declaration by parents? Will I need tatkal for my child or will my passport will do the job?
    Pls help me Amit.
    Thanks in advance.

  42. ilanthalirilayaraja Avatar

    dear sir,
    i want to take a passport for my son 10 months. my husband is working in singapore now me and my son are staying india.what are the documents required for new passport to my son and my name included my husband’s passport but not included husband name in my passport.please help me what are the procedure.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi ilanthalirilayaraja, Mandatory documents as per passport office official site (

      Proof Of Present Address
      Proof Of Date Of Birth
      A Declaration affirming the particulars furnished in the application about the minor as per: Annexure ‘H’
      Attested photocopy of Passport of both or either parent
      A sworn affidavit by the parent(s) resident abroad attested by the Indian Mission along with affidavit from parent residing in India as well (as per Annexure ‘H’)

      I don’t think you can get minor passport without consent and copy of documents of both the parents

  43. kaviya Avatar

    hi amit,

    can you help me to get passport for my minor children aged about 9 yrs and 2 yrs. I ‘m having valid passport recently got it. But their father was not here he is in us. we are planned to there for vacation. But i don’t know how to get passport for my children without the passport of their father. what to do? kindly help me urgently. our plan is to go on may.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Kaviya, Mandatory documents as per passport office official site :

      Proof Of Present Address
      Proof Of Date Of Birth
      A Declaration affirming the particulars furnished in the application about the minor as per: Annexure ‘H’
      Attested photocopy of Passport of both or either parent
      A sworn affidavit by the parent(s) resident abroad attested by the Indian Mission along with affidavit from parent residing in India as well (as per Annexure ‘H’)

      I don’t think you can get minor passport without consent and copy of documents of both the parents

  44. Raj Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    How do the RPO finds out a duplicate passport is it before the Police Verification or after? Whats the process?


  45. Anita Sharma Avatar
    Anita Sharma

    Hello Amit,

    can you help me to get passport for my minor children’s aged about 5 years and 2 years. I have valid passport & my husband too, But at the moments my husband is out of India and he is not able to get SWORN due to far Indian embassy located. I want to apply passport for my booth kids my husband is agree for that. But i don’t know how to get passport for my children without the passport of their father and what to do?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Mandatory documents as per passport office official site :

      Proof Of Present Address
      Proof Of Date Of Birth
      A Declaration affirming the particulars furnished in the application about the minor as per: Annexure ‘H’
      Attested photocopy of Passport of both or either parent
      A sworn affidavit by the parent(s) resident abroad attested by the Indian Mission along with affidavit from parent residing in India as well (as per Annexure ‘H’)

  46. sanjeev jain Avatar
    sanjeev jain

    Dear All,

    I need to apply Passport under TATKAL for my 2 months old son in delhi.
    need clarity whether Annexure “F” (verification certifiate ) or A-I is required or not.

    appreciate the feedback on the same.

    Sanjeev Jain

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      We were asked for only annexure I

  47. Amit Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I am from Pune and need to apply for passport for my spouse and son under tatkaal. I need to know can i obtain “ANNEXURE F” from different location than applying RPO.


    Amit Paithankar

  48. Munni Lal Sharma Avatar
    Munni Lal Sharma

    Dear Sir,
    Is it necessary to submit Annexure F on Letterhead of Issuing Authority Instead of Green(Legal) paper. Sir please Guide me in regard to Bhopal Office, also kindly provide the link for above query.

    Munni Lal Sharma
    # 09406886381, 09827434407

  49. jhumur Avatar


    I need to re-issue my son’s passport(tatkal process).Are both the parents required to go to the passport office while applying?


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      We went together as a precaution. You never know when they want you to sign any additional document or paper

  50. neha Avatar

    Hey Amit,

    I am applying for my daughter’s passport she is 16months… What am i supposed to fill in places like marital status / education / profession that have an * (meaning compulsory answer)

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The questions are bit funny at times 🙂 Write the facts though it may sound funny. Unmarried and uneducated and not working

  51. Avneesh Avatar


    A case where parents hold valid passport

    Annexure I is not required
    I got this info from RPO… in case of Minor tatkal passport following document is required

    1. Birth certificate
    2. Annexure H
    3. Parents passport with atleast one passport contains spouse name
    4. Address proof (any one passport having same address)

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Avneesh, that is great which RPO gave you that info. I got my daughter’s passport from Dlhi RPO and they needed the same at that time.

  52. Sachin Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I want to apply passport for my son. My wife has maiden name on passport and we don’t have each other name included in passports (alos does not mention Martial status as ‘Married’). We marriage registration certificat & birth certificate. Will that be fine?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Self Attested (Signed by parents) copies of the following :
      a. Date of Birth certificate (Issued by local municipal corporation)
      b. Marriage Certificate of Parents or Affidavit
      c. Annexure H
      d. Address proof
      e. Copies of passport of parents (First and last four pages)

      I used the above mentioned documents

  53. kapil sharma Avatar
    kapil sharma

    i want to make passport my birth place is in merrut,u.p(birth certificate)
    bt all other documents are from delhi
    then in birth place what i should be written
    plzz reply
    i m wait for your reply
    than you

  54. kapil sharma Avatar
    kapil sharma

    i want to make passport my birth place is in merrut,u.p(birth certificate)
    bt all other documents are from delhi
    then in birth place what i should be written
    plzz reply
    i m wait for your reply
    than you
    i m 16.5 yrs old

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Kapil the birth place is the place you are born and is mentioned in your birth certificate. It is irrespective of where are you currently working or living. Your birth place will remain meerut

  55. Usha Jayamohan Avatar
    Usha Jayamohan

    I’m applying for my daughter’s passport in tatkal. Can you please tell me which name is to be put in Affidavit mother’s maiden name or presnet name. please help

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The name on the child’s birth certificate

  56. Joy Avatar

    can you please tell me how much time can be needed for minor passport under normal process.? with required correct documents submitted?Does police verification happen for even 08 months old baby?


    Hello Amit,
    My wife applied for my daughters passport from pune in tatkal on 13 june 2012. My daughter is minor 8 months . She was called for police verification 0n 27 june , the status at that time was “Your Personal Particulars Forms have been sent to the police authorities for verification/reverification on* (date indicated below). Please contact the concerned police authority and get the report expedited. A passport will be issued within 10 days of receipt of the clear police report” . As of today 12 july the status is same . can you suggest what should i do for getting the passport ?

    Also i contacted to police they said they have sent the document to passport office.


    1. vaibhav d Avatar
      vaibhav d

      Hi Sachin,
      Need some help here. I want to apply for my wife and daughters passports in Pune office under tatkal scheme. The site mentions that you need to get an affidavit from Gazetted office/minister/etc.
      Did you submit any such documents. Any agent helped you in this. Please give me some guidelines.
      Its kind of urgent

  58. gagan Avatar

    Hined by parents.

    I’m applying for passport for my 1 year old daughter under tatkaal scheme. her Birth Certificate does not have her name. the website suggests to give a declaration signed by parents.
    Does anyone have any idea what the declaration should contain..pls help
    have an appointment for tomorrow morning


  59. saurabh Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I want to apply for a fresh passport for my new born. I had a look at the required documents that I need to carry from Just wanted to confirm:
    1. Birth certificate of my son ( it doesn’t contain the name of my son. Do I need to carry any other document – any affidavit)
    2. Both my and my wife passport( The address in both the passports is same as that of our current address and its the same that we have mentioned in the passport application form of our child). Also, my wife’s passport contain my name
    3. Annexure ‘H’
    4. Photographs of my son

    Kindly let me know if i need to carry any other document.


  60. Vijay Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I am applying for passport of my minor son. My wife did not change her surname after marriage. Both of us got spouse name entered in our passports.
    The problem is that in my son’s Birth Certificate my wife’s surname is not her maiden name & it written as my surname.

    What should be my wife’s surname in my son’s passport application?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Ambily Avatar

      Hi Vijay,
      Mine is also same issue. Did you get a solution for this problem. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.


  61. Kinjal Avatar

    Hi Amit

    I want to know how to get a passport urgently for my 1 1/2 year old baby?
    but my husband in Dubai and not posible to come in india now.
    1)Birth certificate
    2)add proof
    3)my passport
    4)marriage certificate
    how to make a annexure i and h ? and required or not? My husband passport & my passport add is same.i have husband’s name in my passport.
    Now i staying in mumbai my mumy’s home,our add is gujarat can i apply from mumbai passport office or not? which another document are requred?
    please give me quick reply .I will be very thankful to u ?

  62. Pradnya Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I am planning to apply for my son’s passport. Challenges- my passport has my maiden name but have included my husband’s name on it. Also my husband has my name included on his. The birth certificate though has my married name.
    Will that be an issue?

  63. abhinav Avatar


    my son is 5 months old and i want to apply for his passport. but on filling e form it is asking for previous address as he has been residing at current add for 5 months only and i cant leave that section blank, what should i do.

    1. rb Avatar


      I am having a similar problem. hi

      my daughter is 6 months old and i want to apply for her passport. but on filling e form it is asking for previous address as he has been residing at current add for 5 months only and i cant leave that section blank, what should i do.

      1. Naren Savita Avatar
        Naren Savita


        I just applied passport for my daughter from Gurgaon PSK. I had the same issue as I came from US on 29th Jan and have less than 8 months of staying at my current residence. But Its OK..I filled my previous address as US residence and then the current one for last 8 months. They accepted all the documents as per my current residence and did not asked for previous residence proof ( though its good to carry the previous residence address proof too as when you will be calling customer care they specifically ask to do so).

        Thanks and Regards,

        1. Naren Savita Avatar
          Naren Savita

          Oh I forgot to mention…my daughter is just 6 months old…so previous address will be parent’s address

        2. Amit Gupta Avatar

          Thanks for the Information Naren. This will be useful for lots of people.

      2. Amit Gupta Avatar

        You need to fill parents details in this section. The parents should be residing at the current residence for more than one year.

    2. rb Avatar


      I am having a similar problem.

      my daughter is 6 months old and i want to apply for her passport. but on filling e form it is asking for previous address as he has been residing at current add for 5 months only and i cant leave that section blank, what should i do.

    3. Aida Avatar


      Ialso want to know the same thing. I want take passport for my 2 month old baby. What about previous address?And it is a mandatory question…what to do in this case?


      1. AMIT Avatar


      2. Amit Gupta Avatar

        For minors, all information and documents are of the parents except for the date of birth certificate.

    4. Amit Gupta Avatar

      You need to fill parents details in this section.

  64. Hiteshi Avatar

    hey amit,
    needed ur help. i got my passport recently n my husband’s passport is under process. we hv applied for our children’s passport. we just visited psk for enquiries. there, the officer demanded bills as address proofs other than my passport on my name as my husband is residing in up as he is posted there. the problem is that everything is registered on my husband’s name and we have only one recent passbook of sbi on this address in which my name is present. i have aadhar card, passport with spouse name endorsed and the passbook i mentioned above. my driving license is having previous address and pan cards don’t have addresses and my voter id card havy wrong dob. what should i do as i m in a case of urgency?

    1. vaibhav d Avatar
      vaibhav d

      adhar card + bank statement with both same address is enough. if your passport is having current address as that on bank statement then aadhar ccard is also not required

  65. Abhishek Gupta Avatar
    Abhishek Gupta

    Hi Amit,
    We also want to apply for our 1 year baby but in my wife’s and my passport spouse name is not there and we have marriage certificate. Is it required to have our passport changed first and then apply for our little one?

    Thanks in Advance

    1. vaibhav d Avatar
      vaibhav d

      hi amit,
      I got passport done for my 5 month old son. you dont need to have spouse name on passport. you need to carry marriage certificate and both parents passport in original. any one of you can go with documents.
      childs birth certificate should have both parents names as in passport mentioned clearly . this is the only condition

    2. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Spouse name is not required for minor passport. You should have all other documents like affidavit and marriage certificate

    3. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The spouse name is not at all mandatory for child’s passport, to an extent even the passports are not mandatory. You just need marriage certificate and original date of birth certificate of the child along with consent form (Annexure H)

      1. Rahul Avatar

        Amit – As per passport india website, police verification is not done if spouse’s name in endorsed in parents’ passport.

        1. Amit Gupta Avatar

          There is a lot depends on the issuing officer discretion. There was a police verification for my minor daughter 🙂

  66. Ashesh Bharadwaj Avatar
    Ashesh Bharadwaj

    Thanks Amit for the detailed post. It was quite helpful in applying for my son’s passport.

  67. Surendra Singh Avatar
    Surendra Singh

    Dear Amit,

    I was born in Uttarakhand but I am residing at my present address in Delhi for last 7 years, on rent. In the passport application form (column 9-10) one has to mentioned residence address. I have mentioned my present residence address in column 9 and since no one lives in my uttarakhand residence for a long time where I was born, I also mentioned my permanent address as the current one where I have been living for last 7 years.

    However, the police officer who came for the verification told me that I should have mentioned my uttarakhand address in the permanent address. I tried to explain that since nobody lives there for a very long time I could not have mentioned that. Could you please advise me the following please –

    1) What should be the permanent address in this case?
    2) Will my passport get rejected on this basis?
    3) What should I do next, if my passport get rejected?

    Thanks you very much for your advice.


  68. Sunita Avatar

    Hi Amit

    Am a single parent and wanna take pp for my baby in’s a bit urgent.pls guideat d earliest.

  69. Sureesh Avatar

    Amit, Do we need to take the baby to the psk? Afaik, if you are going for normal passport, (and not tatkal), then you dont. also, on the website it is mentioned that that police verification is not required if your spouse’s name is endorsed on your passport and vice-versa. is that true..

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      We took our’s to the passport office. And infact today I was there to get my wife’s passport renewed at gurgaon PSK and parents has brought the babies along. Just in case you missed out on any thumb impression or anything.

  70. San Nayak Avatar

    Hi Amit, I think I just read the initial part and never read the whole discussion. I already wasted 2 weeks for collecting these docs. We both have passports so I don’t think VC & Annexure I is required for our 2 months old kid. Here is the official statement:

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Annexure H is required mentioned in the link shared by you. Also the additional doc Annexure I was only required if you want to apply in Tatkal category and no where it is mentioned that VC is required.

  71. Prashant Sinha Avatar
    Prashant Sinha

    My son is 2 weeks old, In the downloaded application form there is a column called “Residing Since”. If you will give less than 1 year another section “Previous Residence 1” will appear. and this section contains mandatory fields without which you cannot proceed. If my son age is 2 weeks how can I give the Previous Residence 1 details? Please mail me at

    1. Samrat Mukherjee Avatar
      Samrat Mukherjee

      Hi Prashant,

      Am in same situation as you are.

      The Form does not take into account that there cannot logically be a previous address for a lot of infants (less than 1 y.o.)

      Did you come across any bright idea?

      Will be helpful if you could drop me a line at:

    2. Samrat Mukherjee Avatar
      Samrat Mukherjee

      Prashant – I spoke to the PSK Guys. They said that the address of the parents can be entered in the “Previous Place of Residence” section.

  72. Rajesh Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I need to apply passport for my 1 year old baby.
    I have seen that the address proof is mandatory and those should be the Parent’s passport copy(First and last page), in case of minors.
    Me and my spouse have different address in our passport and which is not our present/permanent address any more.

    In this case,
    Please help us to apply passport for my kid of 1year as our address is different from the address as in our passport .
    Do we need to change the address in our passport first and apply kid’s passport (or)
    can we apply directly with present address which is different from parents passports?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The current address of both the parents can be different. You just need to give proof of i year of continuous stay at your current address. We were in the same case and got the passport for our daughter.

  73. aspak Avatar

    Reply…i have l.c, d.o.b. And identity proof : pan card.. And address proof: adharcard (one proof is sufficient?)…this document is sufficient for get passport…plz reply….

  74. Ashvini Avatar

    Hi Amit, I am applying for fresh passport of my 4 months baby. I know the required documents as I have read your previous comments. Thanks for that.
    Do we need to carry photographs of baby? Because for 3 yrs n above no need to carry. Right?
    if Yes can you tell me the size of photo & any important thing which we have to care while clicking photo of baby?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      You need to carry the photographs for the infants

  75. […] passport after expiry of 10 years validity or stood in scorching sun at RPO Bhikaji Cama Place for issue of passport for minor […]

  76. Kuntal Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I am going to apply passport for my baby. Just wanted to confirm if parents name in birth certificate should be as per passport name. For my wife the last name before and after marriage is sAme but it’s just that the middle name mentioned is my name rather than her fathers name as per passport. Will this matter at all since we have marriage certificate ?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Ideally there should be no problem if you have marriage certificate. In our case my wife’s name on passport was different but we had no problems with marriage certificate in place

      1. Kuntal Avatar

        Thanks Amit for confirmation. Also, one more point i would like to clarify regarding tatkaal process. I read in your blog that you had changed from normal process to tatkaal process at PSK office . In that case dont we need to get a letter from class 1 officer or annexture I ? Is it mandatory to get annexture I from class I officer?

        1. Amit Gupta Avatar

          Hi Kuntal, We got annexure I done from the nearby notary but no letter from class 1 officer

  77. Madhumita Patra Avatar
    Madhumita Patra

    Hi Amit
    My Name is Madhumita Patra
    We would like to apply for the passport of our 6 month old daughter.
    I have not changed my surname after my marriage.
    My name is included in my Husband’s passport as Madhumita Patra Only.
    But in the birth certificate of my daughter my name is mentioned as Madhumita Bhunia(which is my surname after marriage).
    So can i apply for her passport keeping mother’s name as Madhumita Patra.We have a valid Marriage certificcate.
    Can you please suggest if we can apply for our baby’s passport without any problem?If not,please suggest something.


    want to know documents reqiered for minos for age of 4 year boy n 1.5 girl. and any afiidivit or annexure req.
    passport fees will be in cash or dd and on which name if any? please help.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The documents remain the same irrespective of the age or gender of the minor. But now there is a slight change if you are getting passport from passport seva kendra , they click photo on the spot for minor above 3 years of age. For younger kids you need to carry photographs.

  79. dev Avatar

    Sir, whats total amount that i will have to pay to make a passport to go Dubai.? I m 21 years old..

  80. Tatkal Passport Hyderabad Avatar
    Tatkal Passport Hyderabad

    Excellent piece of information, I had come to know about your website  from my friend kishore, pune,i have read atleast 8 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your site gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i’m already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanx a lot once again, Regards,

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thanks for appreciating the post

  81. Raju Shrestha Avatar
    Raju Shrestha

    Hi Amit,
    Thanks for the wonderful information.

    My wife’s passport has one address of Orissa and I have another address of Orissa in my passport. Both our passport were issued from Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

    My name is endorsed in my wife’s passport.

    Currently, we reside in Kolkata, West Bengal. Can I get the passport issued for our 7 month daughter from Kolkata, West Bengal? I have bank statement and flat deed and HP Gas connection as address proof.

    Should I try from Kolkata, or should I get it done from Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

    Thanking you.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      You can apply from Kolkata if you are staying at that address for more than one year and has supporting documents to ascertain that.

  82. Gautam Bagade Avatar

    Hello Amit, First of all thanks for very good information!

    I have a query. I am applying for my 2yr old daughter’s passport. I have appointment on 26th April in Pune. But on that date I will be out of station (going to Delhi). So is it ok that only my wife goes for appointment. What documents she needs to carry along with?

    Please let me know if you have any suggestion on above query.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I think it should be perfectly fine if one of you go to the passport office along with your daughter. You can give a consent form just in case.

      1. Gautam Bagade Avatar
        Gautam Bagade

        Thanks Amit

  83. Makarand Avatar

    Hello Amit,

    Can you please let me know if it is legally feasible to get a passport for my minor son (aged 6 years approx) on his OLD name.
    The case is that I named him and got the Birth certificate on the name.

    Later I changed his name. Got the name changed (to new name) in the Gazzette of Central government. Now he has a new name. (the new name has been used in his school in Primary)

    However I need his passport on Tatkal basis and I got to know (from Passport Seva web portal) that it is not possible for me to apply for his passport in Tatkal scheme as he has a change of name (Major change as per passport seva portal).

    My question is.. If I get (or try to get) my sons passport on Tatkal basis on his OLD name, will there be any legal issue?

    Can you pls let me know if you are aware of this? Basically I do not want to do anything thats illegal.

    Thank you.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Makarand, You seem to have answered your own question. You want a passport in a name which no longer is a legal name. So how could the this be legal ?

  84. Deepali Deshmukh Avatar
    Deepali Deshmukh

    Hi amit actually i am looking for passport for my son 5 years old in pune. My husband is in US so they r asking me A sworn affidavit.
    Due to some reason it will take time and i have an urgency. so which document i can show instead of this.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      As far as I know affidavit is necessary if one of the parent is not in India. Consent is mandatory.

  85. Naresh Avatar

    Amit, very informative blog, Please let me know if a minor (below 18) can sign on the passport application or is that mandatory for a thumb impression.

  86. Amar Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    Thanks for your Informative Blog. I have the query, I was a divorcee and my wife was a widow and she has a son. I adopted him after we got married, but his surname still the same as before as he does not want to change. Do let me know what is the procedure for same when he wants to apply for the fresh passport since in the application form, it asks for Mother’s name.
    Thanks hope to receive your valuable response soon.

  87. Prity Avatar


    I want my 6 months old baby passport. Both of us have not our spouse name endorsed in our passport. My passport have my pre-marraige surname and address. But we have marraige certificate and ration card in my husband’s name with my and daughter’s name endorsed in it.

    Can we apply for passport without any difficulty of our daughter.
    Will the ration card a valid proof of address?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Yes you can apply for your daughters passport with the documents you have. Not sure ration card is still a valid address proof. I have my doubts.

  88. Prity Avatar

    I want to apply for my daughter(6 months old) passport.
    Both my and my husband’s surname is different in our own passport.

    We haven’t applied for inclusion of either spouse name or change of my surname in our passport.

    Will there be any problem if we apply for her passport ?
    and, is it necessary for me to change my surname immediately bfore applying her’s?…

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Prity there will be no problem and there is no need for you to change your surname or get the spouse name added to your passport.

  89. sudip das Avatar
    sudip das

    Hi Amit,
    I have the passport with spouse name endorsed residing at same address mentioned in passport. Now I am planning for pp for my spouse & two kids (7 yrs & 2 yrs old). kindly tell me what documents are required in normal case. Marriage certificate is to be produced to get minor’s pp?

  90. sudip das Avatar
    sudip das

    Hi Amit,
    I have the passport with spouse name endorsed residing at same address mentioned in passport. Now I am planning for pp for my spouse & two kids (7 yrs & 2 yrs old). kindly tell me what documents are required in normal case. Marriage certificate is to be produced to get minor’s pp?
    sudip das

  91. sudip das Avatar
    sudip das

    Hi Amit,
    I have the passort with spouse name endorsed & residing at same address mentioned in pp. Now I am planning for pp for spouse & two kids ( 7 yrs & 2 yrs old). kindly tell me what documents are required for pp? marriage certificate/ affidavit is required as it is already mentioned the spoue name in my passport?


    Sudip Das

  92. Sushma Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    Thank you for the informative post. In case of my 2 month old son’s pp form, what should be filled in fields like PAN card,employment, education? That of the parent’s or as silly as it sounds, the baby’s?


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The form for should have been dynamic for the minors but in any case you need to leave all those blank. You can’t put parent’s pan card number in child’s form. BTW you can have the PAN card for minor in India

  93. Pradeep Kumar Tiwari Avatar
    Pradeep Kumar Tiwari

    hi dost , howzzz life

  94. Nisha Avatar

    I want to apply passport for my three month old baby. I and my husband having different address in passport. My husband is in abroad and I am only applying for my child passport. My passport having nagercoil address and my husband passport has chennai address. That address is there past residance only. Now they are staying in another address.. My child’s birth certificate have my address as present address and my husband’s new address as permanent address. He only have ration card and bank passbook as a proof of his new address.. His passport has old address only. While applying for my child’s passport present address is my address and what can I mention as permanent address.. My address or my husbands address. Is it necessary to submit proof for permanent address. If I give my address as permanent address whether they verify that with my child’s birth certificate.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Nisha, Ration card and birth certificate are not valid proof of address.

  95. gowtham kumar Avatar
    gowtham kumar

    Hai I had aldrady applyed pass port application in normal but I got opertinuity to study in abroad I want passport immediatly can I change it to tatkal
    Pls reply me to

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Reach out to RPO office , they can change the same.

  96. Laxman Avatar


    Me and my son both are having the passport. But in my sons’s passport there is “phase 2” missing in address. Is this a problem? Is it need to re-apply?

  97. Karan Bhatia Avatar
    Karan Bhatia

    Hi Amit,

    I’m applying for my 5 month old son’s passport in tatkal. His date of birth certificate is a digitally signed certificate from the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Are digitally signed birth certificates valid for passport applications?

    Thanks for your time.
    – Karan

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Digital DOB certificate in Gurgaon

      Hi Karan this reply might help !

  98. Nishant Avatar

    Thanks for all your notes.
    2 questions:
    1)For Tatkal- does an applicant not require to book an appointment (someone informed me so) starting July 2013?
    2) if so, then how does one pay the fee ‘online’ -since there is no separate button for payment except ‘book appointment’ and ‘pay using SBI challan’?

  99. Sumi John Avatar
    Sumi John

    Hello Amit,

    My husband is residing outside India. I have a passport, but I need to apply passport for my kid. When I checked some websites, I got to know that, a sworn affidavit should be filed by both parents. I am not sure whether its possible to send at the earliest
    Is there some other way to apply for the passport?
    Any advice in this will be highly appreciated


  100. Manisha Mehta Avatar
    Manisha Mehta

    Dear Amit,

    I want to apply for my son’s passport who is 2 yrs old through tatkal. My name on the passport ( Mother’s name ) is Manisha Kumar. ( name before marriage). My husband’s name on the passport is Manish Kumar. ( father).I have managed to change the name on my PAN card to Manisha Mehta. My husband has also changed his name on PAN card and other necessary documents to Manish Kumar Mehta.

    We have the birth certificate of our son which reads his name as Rishabh Mehta.
    Also, we don’t have a marriage certificate.

    Please advise if we apply for our son’s passport; will we face any problem because of the name since passport have different surname and proofs have different. Secondly what should we can produce in lieu of marriage certificate.


  101. Sunil Avatar

    Great work and wonderful Informations available.

    I have my own share of worries, I am applying for my 2 months old son , Me neither my wife has spouse name endorsed in the passport, I called the customer care but they seems to be very rigid with endorsing of spouse name to apply for minors passport?

    I dont have time in hand as I need to travel soon , and reissuing of either of me or wife passport will delay things.

    Isit really mandatory to have spouse name endorsed? as it does not show up in list of documents provided by documend advisor of the site.

    any one who managed to get through it recently ? I am applying from mumbai.

    any suggestion is welcomed


    1. Avy Avatar

      Hi Sunil, I want to apply for my Son’s Passport who is 1 month old.
      Me and my wife both dont have Spouse name endorsed. Either we can show marriage certificate for the same for my Son’s Passport? whats your experience ?

  102. Prerit Avatar

    bhaiya i want some help form you that i want to convert my normal application to tatkal application of minor. So what should i write on the Annexure I on behalf of my Father.I didn’t know the matter.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Reach out to the notary outside passport office. they generally have the format , you can also refer to

  103. anuj Avatar

    My wife has to apply passport for my 7 months kid under tatkal. I know the list of required document but there are questions related to them:
    1) My sworn affidavit (as I am out side india) has my wife’s name after marriage; similarly Birth certificate also has written in same way (my wife’s name after marriage).
    2) My wife’s passport has her name before marriage with spouse name endorse in it.
    now will it create any issue while applying for my kid’s passport, I searched a lot but not finding any answer of it 🙁

  104. Mritunjay Avatar

    Hi ,
    I want to apply for passport of my 1.5 years old son. They are currently in Noida. Me and my wife have passport endorsing each other name on both passport, but address is of Home town (Different from Noida)on both passport.

    Want to apply for passport in Ghazibad passport office:

    My wife does not have any address proof on her name of Noida.

    I have Bank account , Gas connection, telephone bill as address proof but all are on my name.
    I am in UK and have sent her sworn affidavit.

    Is address proof on my name is fine?
    have contacted to Agent and he is saying address proof of your wife is required to get Minor passport as you are not in India.

    Could you please help me on this. Thanks

  105. bhagyashree Avatar

    HI AMIT ,

    Very upset with the PSK (MUMBAI), after so many repetitive request to our local police station finally got a call yesterday for my 7month old ppt. today when we went they rejected the application saying for the address.
    please advice me what is the next step and how soon can I get his passport issued.

    1. bhagyashree Avatar

      Can i Apply fresh again for my sons passport .

  106. Dadasaheb L Avatar
    Dadasaheb L

    Hi Amit,

    Thanks for such in detail article.


    Is it mandatory to have the current address on parents passport, when you are applying for your little ones?

    My wife and I have Bangalore address in our passports, however we currently live in Pune and my litle Angel born in here.

    We heard that, at least one of ours passport must have current address, did you face any such issue?

    Note: My wife bears my name in the passport.

    Thanks in advance


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Dadasaheb, I didn’t faced any such problem. Infact in our case also the address on both passports were different and my wife had the passport in first name and no endorsement on either passports. regards

      1. Dadasaheb Avatar

        Thanks for clarifying this Amit.

        Hope I don’t face any issue.

  107. John J. Georrge Avatar
    John J. Georrge

    Hi Amit, Very good blog. You are doing a great job. I have one query, If both parents having the same address (Permanent residential address) & The spouse name included in both passport. Currently staying in the same place (Permanent address). But only the birth certificate of the baby is issued from another state of India, as we stayed in another state for around one year. He born there. Now we return back to native place. Is it possible to apply passport of baby at our native place (Permanent address) with this birth certificate?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      As per rule you need to be staying at the place from where you are applying the passport.

    2. Anurag Avatar

      Why not?

  108. Preet Avatar

    Go with parents In Passport office is neccesory for Minors…. i m 17 year old….

  109. poonam kaur Avatar
    poonam kaur

    Hii amit today i received my daughter passport and she is minor and i and my hubby also applied the same date but his all documents were cleared but mine they told me to make annexture e and add in paper if i wanted to add middle name and in my daughters passport my surname is not there ..anything can be done …thanks in advance

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Poonam, The child name will be as per birth certificate and the affidavit only.

  110. Prashant Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    Great stuff.

    I need to apply for my wife and daughter’s (2 months old) passport in tatkal.
    My passport has my wife’s name added, so it can be her address proof. correct?
    And it is also the address proof for my daughter and no police verification is required for my daughter. correct?

    Annexure H – Can it be on plain paper and signed by both of us.

    Where to get annexure ‘I’ in pune. is it at any notary office.

  111. Niyati Shah Avatar
    Niyati Shah

    Hello Amit,
    I have applied for my 8 months old son’s passport.
    Do i need to take him along ?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Generally not required as they are not photographed and you can take thumb impressions on form. But you never know , if you missed some form or thumb impression somewhere it will be unnecessary hassle.

  112. Deep Avatar

    Hi Amit

    I am also applying for a passport of my minor daughter. Do I have to take her or my wife to passport office for getting this processed? Or Can I go alone and get the same processed?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi deep, As per official site “Minor applicants below the age of 4 years need to carry a passport size photograph for the processing of application at the PSK/PO. For applicants above the age of 4 years, photographs will be captured at the PSK/PO itself”

  113. Shekhar Khandelwal Avatar
    Shekhar Khandelwal

    Hi Amit,

    I just applied for a fresh passport for my 3 months old daughter. Neither mine nor my wife passports have spouse name added, will that be a problem for my daughter’s passport issuance?
    Note – In both our passports addresses are different and not the current address.


  114. Saba Rahman Avatar
    Saba Rahman

    hi Amit

    I want to apply for my
    daughter(1 months old)
    I have my passport but it is of before my marriage so surname and address is different in our(my and my husband) passport..
    If i go to pasport ofc for my baby’s passport, will i face problem there??
    Pls help..

    1. Swapnil Jaju Avatar
      Swapnil Jaju

      Even I have the same case. Please advice soon.

  115. tom Avatar

    Hi Amit ,, I need to apply passport for my son 5 yr old. My wife is in abroad so they need sworn affidavit. Do you know any format of sworn affidavit, is they need it on plain paper or India’s stamp paper.

    Pls let me know the procedure. Thnks and regards, Tom

  116. soumyaranjan Avatar

    i am from odisha but now im in pune and i want to apply for passport but i cant go to odisha

  117. Anish Avatar

    I have problem in taking passport.mine dob differs in birth certificate(20/4/91) and academic certificate(20/4/92) .. I studied in cbse(X &XII).now pursuing MBA. I am from Haryana ..Is there any way to get passport without a birth certificate.

  118. Yashvinder Rathee Avatar
    Yashvinder Rathee

    I need to apply for my 14 months old baby’s passport along with my wife’s passport . My passport still has my maiden name and does not endorse my wife’s name on my passport. however i do have registered marriage certificate.

    As per passport guidelines, Spouse name on either of the parents’s ( in my case only my passport will be considered)passport should be endorsed . Could you please let me know if i have to apply for spouse name addition first, and then apply for Child’s passport?

    Question 1 Is it required for either of our passports to include the spouses name in order to get our baby’s passport, or is there any other way out?If yes, Please suggest the process and documents requirement?
    Question 2 I got married 2 years back and only proof on my marriage is marriage registration certificate , and my wife has all the documents(Voter Id , PAN card, ration card, bank Account) from her parent’s address with her Maiden name . could you please let me know the process of getting her passport
    1. Can she apply for passport from her parent’s address and can also get spouse name added with the help of marriage registration certificate, or the only option is to produce stay at present address for more than an year (which we do not have)?

  119. keerthivasan Avatar

    hello sir..
    I am a minor of age grandpa only taking care of me..I dont have ma parents right maternal aunt is in tampa and she wants me to send my summer vacation there..How come I get passport without my parents concern

  120. Rajesh Kohli Avatar
    Rajesh Kohli

    Can someone guide me as I require my passport photocopy to be attested by the authority that has issues my passport. . will the passport office attest the photocopy after verifying with the original.

  121. azeem Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    what are the valid address proofs for a minor? Is leave and license agreement acceptable?

  122. Pushpendra pareek Avatar
    Pushpendra pareek

    I want to apply for my daughter passport who is 8 month old.Me and my wife both have valid passport with each other name endorsed in passport.But address in passport is not same.wife has raipur address and me have kolkata address. So want to know can we apply for my daughter passport either from kolkata or from raipur.

  123. George Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I wish to apply for a new passport for my newborn infant, I will be mentioning the permanent address as specified in my passport as the address for the newborn as well.

    In this regard, is it mandatory for the permanent address to be the same for my wife’s passport as well? Her passport was issued 2 years back with her permanent address as she was residing in another city.

    Any forms to be filled if mandatory…

    Appreciate your assistance



  124. SM Khan Avatar
    SM Khan

    I wish to apply for passport of my daughter who is 3 yrs old and i am central govt. employee.
    Do i need to submit Identity Certificate (Doc No. 45) Annexure ‘B’ in her case and also Annexure ‘I’.
    Pl oblige.

  125. James Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I would like to get your inputs for paspsort procedure for my son. My wife is outside the country and she has not changed her passport it is still as per her maiden name.
    I have recently applied for new passport with update in spouse name which is after post marriage . my son birth certificate also states my wife name post now my question.can I get a noc from my wife from outside to country and use that with my attested new passport copy for making my son new passport .or will I need to change my wife passport for making passport for my son

    Please do reply back or email me at jamesquicksilver@gmail. Com

  126. Jalaj Avatar

    HI Amit,
    I need a small clarification. I have my passport and my wife’s passport in correct order with proper name surname address and rest.
    My 1 year old sons passport has 2 issues.
    1. It does not carry any Surname after his name. It only says his 1st name.
    2. My surname spelling (SHARMA) is spelled SHAMRA .
    Do I need to apply for corrections, get the passport reissued. or will the current will work just fine.

    my wife’s name in my sons passport is just fine.

    thanks in advance for our help

  127. shilpa Avatar

    HI amit,
    Im a single mother & i am separated from my husband. im going for a divorce now. i want to get passport for my child. Is it possible to get passport for my child without my husband;s consent or signature if i get sole guardianship & custody of the child after divorce? it will be included in divorce deree that he doesnt have any objection to me obtaining passport visa & taking my child abroad. mail me at

  128. josh Avatar

    I removed accidentally my expired visa two pages from more than 12 years old expired indian passport and not traceable the removed pages what will happen when I apply for a fresh passport

  129. lalita dhiman Avatar

    hi my self lalita dhiman sec 19th fbd.i m request for my passport not available because speed post 21st dec 2015 post my passport not me hand over.i request i m apply my passport 1st time.your office ph is not available n not reciving my call because line is busy busy wt i m needed my passport.pls request thanx regards
    lalita dhiman
    old faridabad near rajeev gandhi chowk
    my contact is 8527910257/7838649062

  130. Anil Avatar

    Hi Amit Ji,

    I want to apply a fresh passport for my 3 year old daughter. mine and my wife passports have spouse name added but Pune address. Currently we are staying at Hyderabad want to apply at Hyderabad PSK. I have Hyderabad address proof (adhar card).

    I have 2 questions:

    1. In both our passports addresses are different and not the current addresses; is this problem. Required police verification?
    2. Can I apply this application under tatkal scheme

    Thanks in advance

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Dear Anil, This should not be problem.

      1. Sana Avatar

        Sir m from Pakistan need some help urgently..wanna ask address on my pasport is different from address on my daughter’s pasport (address of different cities) is there any issue in traveling abroad..plz help me out…thxxx

  131. mohammed ashiq ch Avatar
    mohammed ashiq ch

    hi!my name is ashiq.I wanna make my passport but i have a problem that my mother doesn’t have a passport but my fathrr have a passport. what do i do now.Is there any solutions?

  132. Madhusudan Avatar


    Does Annexure H needs to be Notarised OR should onlybe on plain paper signed by both parents/Guardians?

    I have the Annexure H but it says only on plain paper. Do we need to notarise it OR only its a self declaration on plain paper. Any attestations required on it?

  133. Shubha Avatar


    I had my child’s passport done when he was 20 days old. Now he is turning five and his passport is expiring. Is the procedure same as renewal? Please let me know.

  134. Sonal Avatar

    Hello Amit,
    I want to apply for passport for my son who is 6 yrs at Mumbai passport office. The problem i am facing is that – my husbands passport which he renewed in July 2015 has our previous residence address, whereas we have changed our residence in 2013. My passport which I made in January 2016 has our new residence address on it. Now while applying for my sons passport we want our current residence address on it. We have all the documents required for address proof.
    Will difference in my and my husbands address on passport create a problem for my son’s passport? We are really confused. Please guide.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      HI Sonal, We didn’t face any problem Infact all of us have different addresses in our passport now 🙂

      1. Sonal Avatar

        thank you amit for reply

  135. Amit Avatar

    Actually me and my wife having same address of different city now we are in Noida and now like to make passport for my kid. what is the procedure as we don’t have current address in passport then how to enroll my kid to current address.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The address in passport should not be an issue. You should have required proof of your current residence for your child’s passport.

  136. amritansh Avatar

    If parents doesn’t have passport than what else can be done for issuing passport of 1years boy

  137. Manali Avatar

    Hi amit,
    can u help me for procedure having my name and surname as middle name and surname to my child name in passport as i m divorcee.

  138. Aktu Avatar

    Hello Amit,

    My registered marriage date is different in Feb 2011 & my rituals date is in Jan 2013 in my passport i have mentioned 2013 date in my passport but now we are getting divorce.

    Can you suggest me if i can go ahead & sign the legal papers & apply for passport after divorce decree OR will dates will be the hurdle for me to remove his name from my passport. I need my passport for my exam purpose.


  139. Nandita Rai Avatar
    Nandita Rai

    I can’t seem to get an email address for my 9 yr old son – he needs it in the application form. How does that go about?

  140. Avy Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I want to apply for my Son’s Passport who is 1 month old.
    Me and my wife both dont have Spouse name endorsed. Either we can show marriage certificate for the same for my Son’s Passport? whats your experience ?

  141. Kumar Avatar

    I am applying for passport for my daughter.

    My passport mentions the addres of my home town as my permanent address. What should be permanent address for my daugher as she is born and staying with us in Mumbai in a rented house?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar
      Amit Gupta

      If you want to include permanent address in passport then you should mention same as your hometown.

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