As promised I am back to lock horn again with the Passport office. Three years back I had a tough time to reissue passport after expiry of 10 years. But this time its for my sweetheart little baby. She now has a Date of Birth Certificate , a Pan Card and a Postage Stamp of her own 🙂 Next target to get her the passport.
Though the best & most authentic source for information on procedure, documents required, FAQs on the topic would be the official Delhi passport office website but still here’s my personal experience which might be helpful for you guys. The rules and process keep on changing so please refer to the official site for latest regulations and processes.
Step 1 : Application form (29th May 2011)
I suggest you fill-up the online application form to ensure you have an appointment and can dodge the long queue outside the passport office in Delhi (BTW regional passport office in Delhi is situated at Bikaji Cama Place , Behind Hotel Hyatt). This is the easiest of all. Fill up the basic details of the minor.
You can also select the date and time of the appointment for submitting the application form. The time on the application is only indicative , applications are accepted on first come first serve basis. So no worries if you are late or early. Its better to be early just in case you missed out on any document and need a copy etc.
Documents for the passport for minor
a. Print out of the online application (6 pages including 2 PP forms). There are multiple fields which need to be filled manually (No overwriting allowed) e.g. Passport details of parents, Date of birth in words etc
b. Paste 3 photographs (3.5cm X 3.5 cm) on the form. DO NOT SIGN (THUMB-PRINT) ON PHOTOS
Update 21 Dec 2014 : As per official passport site ; “Minor applicants below the age of 4 years need to carry a passport size photograph for the processing of application at the PSK/PO. For applicants above the age of 4 years, photographs will be captured at the PSK/PO itself.”
c. Use blue or black ink for taking minor’s thumb impression on the form
Self Attested (Signed by parents) copies of the following :
a. Date of Birth certificate (Issued by local municipal corporation)
b. Marriage Certificate of Parents or Affidavit
c. Annexure H
d. Address proof
e. Copies of passport of parents (First and last four pages)
Passport Fee for Minor :
Fresh Passport for Minors (below 18 years of Age) of 5 years validity or till the minor attains the age of 18 which ever is earlier. Rs 600/-
Tatkal Passport Fee for Minor :
I opted to apply under tatkal scheme for issue of passport. You would need couple of more documents and additional fees of Rs 1500.
You need to submit a application of plain paper to convert your application to the tatkal. There is no standard format for the application. I have used the following :
The PRO,
Passport Office , Delhi
This is to request you to process passport application of my daughter <Name> under tatkal scheme.
<Name> <Relation>
Additionally , “Annexure I” was required on a notarized affidavit non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10. That’s why you need to reach passport office early. No worries you can get the affidavit done from Notary sitting at bikaji Cama place building. I got it for Rs. 100. Also there is a photocopier guy right within the passport office building .
It is advised to carry a couple of pens, extra photocopies and plain A4 sheets with you just in case they ask for some application. Be careful with your originals , carry them all for verification.
At Passport Office (07th June 2011)
a. We reached well in advance of a warm sunny and hot day. To top it all the queue is now shifted to open space behind the passport office building. There are two counter for passport application and one for miscellaneous service counter. These are only for ONLINE applications.
b. Even though online application enable us to dodge some 200 non online applicants in serpant queue but the online queue was long enough. Be patient as every applicant takes some 10 mins at the counter.
c. On counter itself you can convert your application into the TATKAL. the officer at counter was very polite and helpful. He attached a white paper on top of documents and suggested to write an application and get “Annexure I”.
d. Thankfully we didn’t have to get again into the line and our application was stamped for verification by PRO (sitting at Misc service counter)
e. The queue at that counter was not very long and took 30 odd min. The PRO validated our passports and signed the application.
f. The signed application was again to be submitted to the original counter. Thankfully again we need not stand in line. We paid the total fee of (600 + 1500 = 2100).
g. We are issued a receipt with the promise of delivery within a week.
Update 1. (09th June 2011)
The passport status page is showing as “Application is pending for want of Police Report.”
You can also find the complete list of documents
Update 2. (13th June 2011)
Passport is delivered to our address through speed post. The status on site though still shows “Police verification pending”
The passport is issued for Five years and for once I need to admit this was a super smooth process. My Fairy now has a passport to FLY 🙂
Update 3. (26th June 2011)
Police verification done for for my daughter 🙂
Update 4. (30th June 2011)
Passport Status updated as passport dispatched on 10th of June 2011. Funny but it’s Okie.
Update (Feb 13, 2013)
My wife has applied for reissue of passport with change in name and addition of spouse name under Tatkal today.
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