I filled the application form online from official website and it generated a downloadable format for me to get the photographs done etc. And the best part , I got a appointment online for submission of the form. Somehow I manage to get all my documents in palce and time (Most difficult being proof of residence.
So a journey of five month has come to an end. I have managed to lay hand on my reissued passport after much delay and followup. For the starter an Indian passport has to be be reissued after every 10 years. My passport was about to expire (actually there were still 9 months to go) so I thought to get the same reissued in time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that system has evolved much since the day I have first applied for the same, year 1999.
a) Telephone Bill means only Government line (MTNL or BSNL) no Airtel, Tata Indicom or Mobile bills
b) Bank Statement : Only government banks (No Citibank, ICICI though it is second largest bank in India, No HDFC it may be the largest housing finance banking entity of the country)
AND so on… Anyways, Fortunately I have one sarkari bank account in Bank of Baroda which actually become the passport to my passport application. So two days of effort to collect documents and 1000 RS down I managed to submit my application. They cancelled my current passport and accepted the application for reissue. So now I was practically without a passport (with some 9 months still to spare for expiry ).
This was the beginning of long journey, which was suppose to get over in just 45 days.
The wait begins for the police verification as the passport status site show the status “Awaiting Police verification” from the very next day. After numerous round to ACP office and request for early verification, the same happened some after 60 days.
Now after 90 days I found the new status on the site “Police verification clear, Application under process”. Now starts another round of wait for the processing of passport.
Then the round of mails and personal visit to RPO ensure that I got my passport after 5 months. I feel like being on cloud nine without actually flying 😉
Update ( Feb 27, 2009 ) Months after I got my passport , I got call for a police verification again. As per them My verification is still pending. this send chill through my spine. But fortunately It was some error and I was saved from any hassle.
Update (July 13, 2011) : I applied for passport for my minor daughter under Tatkal and got it within 4 working days.
Update (Feb 13, 2013) : My wife has applied for reissue of passport with change in name and addition of spouse name under Tatkal today.
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