Reissue of Indian Passport

I filled the application form online from official website and it generated a downloadable format for me to get the photographs done etc. And the best part , I got a appointment online for submission of the form. Somehow I manage to get all my documents in palce and time (Most difficult being proof of residence.

So a journey of five month has come to an end. I have managed to lay hand on my reissued passport after much delay and followup. For the starter an Indian passport has to be be reissued after every 10 years. My passport was about to expire (actually there were still 9 months to go) so I thought to get the same reissued in time. I  was pleasantly surprised to find that system has evolved much since the day I have first applied for the same, year 1999.

Reissue of Indian Passport


a) Telephone Bill means only Government line (MTNL or BSNL) no Airtel, Tata Indicom or Mobile bills

b) Bank Statement : Only government banks (No Citibank, ICICI though it is second largest bank in India, No HDFC it may be the largest housing finance banking entity of the country)

AND so on…  Anyways, Fortunately I have one sarkari bank account in Bank of Baroda which actually become the passport to my passport application. So two days of effort to collect documents and 1000 RS down I managed to submit my application. They cancelled my current passport and accepted the application for  reissue. So now I was practically without a passport (with some 9 months still to spare for expiry ).

This was the beginning of long journey, which was suppose to get  over in just 45 days.

The wait begins for the police verification as the passport status site show the status “Awaiting Police verification” from the very next day. After numerous round to ACP office and request for early verification, the same happened some after 60 days.

Now after 90 days I found the new status on the site “Police verification clear, Application under process”. Now starts another round of wait for the processing of passport.

Then the round of mails and personal visit to RPO ensure that I got my passport after 5 months. I feel like being on cloud nine without actually flying 😉

Update ( Feb 27, 2009 ) Months after I got my passport , I got call for a police verification again. As per them My verification is still pending. this send chill through my spine. But fortunately It was some error and I was saved from any hassle.

Update (July 13, 2011) : I applied for passport for my minor daughter under Tatkal and got it within 4 working days.

Update (Feb 13, 2013) : My wife has applied for reissue of passport with change in name and addition of spouse name under Tatkal today.

202 responses to “Reissue of Indian Passport”

  1. archna Avatar

    wooooo…. big congrats. now u can plan another trip here.

  2. Mayank Avatar

    Haven’t u tried under Tatkal scheme? It says the passport will be given in 3 working days on paying tatkal fees of 1500.

  3. Amit Gupta Avatar

    Hi Mayank, I applied under the normal process. There are no less hurdles to gather documents for Tatkaal scheme.

    a) You need to have a Verification certificate Annexure F ( to be signed by competent Authority

    b) Continuous stay of more than one year at one address. (On rent you have a lease of 11 months)

    c) Documents of proof of residence like ration card etc which obviously are very tough to get on rented house.

  4. chris Avatar

    dear amit…you seem to hav neglected the ‘catch’ word here…friend you had applied for an INDIAN passport..which has to go through a host of good for nothing , lethargic BAABUS ..what they call processing. now since you had put a lot of effort on your part, did you get to your passport reissue in 5 months…or else you still would have been wondering when would D’day be….online booking is just a peripheral showoff..the client is relieved to see the computr doiing atleast something….ha..ha…!!man I got my tatkal in four and a half months..HOWWZAT???

  5. Rahul Tanna Avatar
    Rahul Tanna

    Hi ..
    my passport is just expired ,, and now i have to go to USA in next month ,, how could i manage to get this done asap .. plz suggest.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      There are certain precondition and extra charges for the same but they promise to deliver the reissued passport within a week.

  6. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @ Rahul Buddy that is a close shave. but nevertheless you can try your luck with “Tatkal Service” .

    There are certain precondition and extra charges for the same but they promise to deliver the reissued passport within a week.

  7. ramphal Avatar

    i have lost my passport & it was issued from chandigarh .
    it was issued in 2007.
    its renew date is 2017.
    my address on passport is :
    ramphal s/o sh. chajuram
    v.p.o. pichoppa khurd
    p.o. pichoppa kalan
    teh. -ch. dadri
    distt. bhiwani

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Ramphal,

      Loss of passport should be immediately reported to the nearest Police Station and to the nearest Passport Office. Passport holder is responsible for misuse of the passport, due to non-intimation of loss to the concerned Passport Office. In your case you should inform the Chandigarh Passport office immediately.

      You can also apply for Duplicate Passport (36 pages) in lieu of your lost passport. The fees for this Rs. 2500/- . You would also be required to furnish following :
      F) CASES OF LOST/DAMAGED PASSPORTS: The applicant has to fill the passport application form and submit the same along with following deeds:

      i) FIR in original

      ii) First and last four pages of old passport.

      iii) If there is any change in address, proof of address.

      More details can also be found @

  8. robin Avatar

    hii..i m sukhwinder singh..i made my passport under tatkaal scheme in march 30 march 2008..nd while 1 year i have never went any country..but wthin few days i will go 2 uk there any stamp required or notto enxtend it ..nd valadity of my passport is already 10 yrs…..

  9. Paresh Kumar Avatar
    Paresh Kumar

    Hello Dear Amit,

    The information provided by you is very helpful. Needless to say that passport re-issue is a lot of mess around here.

    I’m going through the same process as of now & its very coinciding.

    Thanks & Regards!!

    Paresh Kumar

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      best of luck buddy now i am facing problem with another psu giant BSNL. Will right soon on that.

  10. Debarati Avatar


    I need to apply for a passport reissue with a change of address. Can anybody clarify if I need to submit both form 1 and 2 for the same?

    Thanks in anticipation..


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      hi Debs, if you are staying at your current address for more than two years then my advice to you would be to get the passport renewed first and then apply for address change. this might sound bizzare but two things with RPO will be too much. Best of luck

  11. […] for BSNl act as a legitimate address proof. Many of you would be aware of my plight while trying to reissue my passport where i run from pillar to post to prove my […]

  12. Gaurav Avatar

    You were lucky!!!

    My wife was not so lucky though!

    Background – We stayed in Gurgaon for around 3 years and then moved to Dwarka. Tenure in Dwarka less than 1 year.

    We applied for the passport in Dwarka. Police Verification passed in Dwarka. Police Verification passed in Gurgaon.
    Problem – Two police verifications – both PASS.
    Now, someone in the Passport office has to take these two files and club them together. We waited for 8 months – in between numerous trips to the passport office. Status – we will get the passport within 2 weeks.

    Solution – Jugaad. We all know what that means eh?

  13. shachi Avatar

    my passport application is still under process.. the process has been stopped due to problems regarding police verification.. also my qualification, address have been changed now.. so i need to cancel present application and apply a new one.. how to do it?? can any1 plz suggest me??

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      just check with passport office. A duplicate application can attract penalty upto rs 5000. (check again)

  14. […] Next on agenda is to get a Passport for Tisya and that thought sends a shiver down my spine. To know why read my experience in getting my passport reissued […]

  15. ankur Avatar

    Its actually very pathetic that for something as basic as a passport, you have to run around and do loads of follow up. Passport office is a big mess to go to…

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I agree .. i think the new UID project should have option to add multiple of such documents in one. Get the new doc attached digitally to ur ID on eligibility can be extended for driving licence, passport, ration card, voting card and so on…

  16. Vinni Avatar

    Hey I wanted to know why you had to submit a proof of address for passport re-issue? Passport website mentions, proof of address needed on in case of change of Address.

    Do they ask for Address proof even if the address is same?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hmmm. not sure.. i got shifted so my address changed.

  17. Sidhant Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I have received a new passport after a reissue of my old passport.

    My old passport expiry date (F) 20.06.2011

    But my date of expiry of new passport shows 2 years validity.

    Date of issue -16/08/2010 Date of expiry – 15/08/2012

    What is the validity of a new passport after a reissue.??

    Can’t we have a validity of 10 years??

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      I applied for 10 year validity and recd the same.

  18. Reena Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    Sorry to hear what you had to go through.

    Did you get your old passport back when the new passport was re-issued to you?

    I have a UK Visa which is valid for 2 yrs. But my passport will expire in 1 yr. I am wondering, will i loose my visa when a new passport is re-issued to me? Do you have any idea about this? I have browsed several websites and blogs but got no answer to my question.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi reena , the old passport is returned with cancelled stamp at the time of application only. I also have a visa stamping on passport valid for another 7 years, that will remain valid but need to carry both the passport in case of travel abroad.

  19. sibu Avatar


    My and my wife’s passport is expired in sept’ 2010. Can you help me to get it re-issued. What would be the charge.

  20. Krishna Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    This is Krishnakumar, i got my new passport (re-issue) on sep 2009. But it doesn’t have my old passport number in the last page.

    My old passport has other visa information which is having validity till 2017.They retruned my old passport on the same day with the status of “Cancelled”.

    Please let me know if the new passport should have the old passport number.If so let me know what could be done.


  21. Krishna Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    This is Krishnakumar, i got my new passport (re-issue) on sep 2009. But it doesn’t have my old passport number in the last page.

    My old passport has other visa information which is having validity till 2017.They retruned my old passport on the same day with the status of “Cancelled”.

    Please let me know if the new passport should have the old passport number.If so let me know what could be done.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      For me the old passport number comes printed on the new one, which incidentally is important to use your visa. Check with passport office

  22. Julian Avatar

    I live in mumbai and almost everyone i know has had to pay their local police station for clearing the verification. Earlier it used to be Rs. 300, now it’s around 500. Can you clarify if this is legal and whether something should be done about it or just quietly pay the ‘charges’ and get your passport!

    Also, my passport is about to expire. I have changed my place of residence permanently. So do i have to simply mention the new address and show the address proof documents when i apply for re-issue or are there extra procedures involved?


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      @Julian There is no government fee or legal bounding to pay up any charges for the clearing the verification. You just need to have all your documents in place.

      You can apply up to a year in advance (and you should do so). You need to to have at-least one proof of your address. Ideally you should get your address change on your current passport and then apply for the reissue of passport.

      When applying for reissue of a passport after 10 years, attach:

      (a) Old passport in original with self-attested photocopy of its first four and last four pages, including ECR/ECNR page.

      (b) Document mentioned at (1) (d), if applicable.

      (c) Document mentioned at (1) (e), if the old passport did not have ECNR stamp or it was issued when the applicant was a minor.

      (d) If there is any change in address, document mentioned at 1 (a).

      (e) If the old passport does not contain spouse name, copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or affidavitas per specimen in Annexure `D’.

      (1a) Proof of address (attach one of the following):
      Applicant’s ration card, certificate from Employer of reputed companies on letter head, water /telephone /electricity bill/statement of running bank account/Income Tax Assessment Order /Election Commission ID card, Gas connection Bill, Spouse’s passport copy, parent’s passport copy in case of minors. (NOTE: If any applicant submits only ration card as proof of address, it should be accompanied by one more proof of address out of the above categories).

      (1d) Government/Public Sector/Statutory body employees should submit “Identity Certificate” in original along with Standard Affidavit .

      (1e) If the applicant is eligible for “ECNR” attach attested copy of supporting document .

  23. Julian Avatar

    Thanks for the reply Amit.

    My passport is expiring in about 6 months. However, your suggestion of first getting the address changed and then reissue would be twice the cost since each of these operations cost Rs. 1,000 if i’m not mistaken.

  24. Tina Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I have applied for my passport in mumbai on the 30th of November under the tatkaal scheme. On tuesday the 7th it was sent from the police station after aquiring the necessary clearance to the CID for some other verificiation. How long do these formalities take? I was told that tatkaal passports usually take 10 – 15 days. What is the procedure once the passport leaves my local police station?

    Hoping to hear from you soon.


  25. C. Rajanikumar Avatar
    C. Rajanikumar

    Hi Amit,
    (1) Whether police verification is required for Government (Or Government of India Undertaking company) officials to obtain Indian passport ?

    (2) What is the time period by which we have to complete the police verification part? What happens if it takes long time like 3-4 weeks?

  26. Kumar Avatar

    Very interesting read Amit! My passport expires in September 2011 and I have been very tardy in getting it re-issued. After reading your blog, I’m terrified of being without a passport – what’s worse is that my passport was issued in Calcutta when I lived and schooled there (my parents reside there permanently). I have been working in Bombay for six years now and the thought of another police verification is irritating. Doubtless I’ll have some unofficial ‘fee’ to pay to expedite such a (pointless) verification.

    Are you sure they will return the old passport immediately? My brother never got back his old passport at the time of reissue.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      The old passport was returned to me over the counter itself after a cancellation stamp. You would not be able to use old passport for travel though.

  27. Julian Avatar

    I had applied for reissue of my passport on the 27th of december. Went to the thane passport office and waited 1/5 hours for my turn.

    Received the passport on the 24th of january. awesome job, thane passport office!

    and even though there was a change of address, there was no police verification. so i guess the police verification is more for identity rather than for address.

    I’ve got a doubt, my old passport had an ecnr/ecr page (no. 2). since i didn’t have encr status when i first got my passport, this was added later as a stamp on another page. My new passport has no such printed ecnr page. Does this mean my passport hasnt got the ecnr status and i need to get it added later?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Congratulation Julian

  28. Julian Avatar

    Sorry, i should have researched more before posting. Apparently a blank passport means ECNR by default, only ECR will be stamped if ineligible.

    Also, to the poster Kumar above me, i received my old passport along with the new one. It had a punched hole in the back cover. You have to submit it with your reissue application and will get it back only with the new one. My old passport was issued at the bombay (worli) passport office because i was staying at colaba earlier, and the new one is at the thane passport office because i’m in new bombay now. There was no police process. Don’t know if the same will apply inter-state.

    Also, someone told me, if the police ask for a bribe, simply refuse. They will have to eventually either forward or reject your verification form. And they have to have a good reason for rejection, not ‘bribe not paid’!

  29. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @tina hope you would have got your passport by now. generally once the the police verification is positive , the status on the site changes and it should not take more than a month.

    You could also speak to PRO at regional passport office in case of delays.

  30. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @julian congratulations for your passport job. Less than a month wow !

    About the old passport thats a new information as in my case (Delhi Regional passport office) the old passport was returned the same day with cancelled stamp once i applied for the reissue.

  31. vaibhav Avatar

    Dear All

    If You get Any problem in passport delaying just contact PRO.Touts help will not make up. Make sure You submit the correct pappers, In my case PRO was very helpfull and i got my new passport…

  32. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @vaibhav totally agree with you

  33. Gaurav Avatar

    Hi Friends,
    I have applied for passport reissue via post office in Pune.
    They didn’t return my old passport but told me that it will be posted along with the re-issued passport.
    The status website doesn’t show up identify my application.
    Does anyone know how many days it might take once the application is submitted for the status to be identified?

  34. raj Avatar

    Hi, my passport is about to expire in couple of days, and the old passport issued in Hyderabad, now I am living in Mumbai since last 5yrs, is it the passport authority accept my company letter head as address proof as I don’t have address proof on my name, What is the maximum time that will take in Mumbai to issue a tatkal passport in case if I apply? I am planning to move in October to US, so how do I get or apply affidavits (I & F) ? any help really appriciated.
    Tahnks Raj

  35. Amit Gupta Avatar

    Hi Raj, you need to submit at least two proof of address and one of them should be photo identity proof. Only company validation might not suffice. If you are staying in mumbai for 5 years you would have bank account or driving licence or some other govt identity.

    Tatkal generally takes less than 10 days.

  36. raj Avatar

    Hi Amit, Thanks for reply, yes I am having bank statement other than that I dont have any photo identity, my driving licence is from Hyederabad 🙁 . this is my worst situation. I am having pan card but it cant be used as address proof as it wont contain any address on the same.

    even if I have bank statement from (ICICI, HDFC) and company letter(MNC) even that is not sufficient. even I cant think to take a driving licence because they too need a local address proof. so I feel I am not a citizen of this country right now 🙁

  37. Eswar Avatar

    Hi AMit,
    Now i am working in Delhi.I am staying here from 4 years.after 23rd i need to join in chennai.
    I forgot my renewal date.nw i am applying in tatkaal quota.but here i need ANnexure F to submit.I have not known here such higher authorities to get the sign.
    Can you help 2 get the passport before 23rd.

    waiting for your reply.I will be thankful to u.

  38. Amit Gupta Avatar

    @eswar i wish i could . but I am also one of you and above is my personal experience.

  39. […] I am back to lock horn again with the Passport office. Three years back I had a tough time to reissue passport after expiry of 10 […]

  40. Amit K Gupta Avatar
    Amit K Gupta

    hi Amit can u pls tell that after how many days a police verification for tatkal is done,after tatkal passport is issued.

    is police verification for tatkal passport is also done in tatkal or it follows the normal route.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi amit, I have applied under normal process , so don’t have exact clue on this.

  41. Mari Avatar

    I have applied for reissue on 14th March 2011 after which i have been asked to provide 3set of photos twice (16th May, 7th June) and police verification also got completed. Still waiting for passport… do not know still how many times i am to give photos as the status query at passport still says to submit photos.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      suggest you to meet PRO at the passport office

  42. vijay mishra Avatar

    Hi Mr. Amit ji i seen your profile found good & proud to you because you belong from north india. A lot.s of Thanks

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      thanks mishra ji. i am proud to be INDIAN

  43. kuldeep singh Avatar
    kuldeep singh

    dear amit
    my passport is expire one and half year ago it was issued from jaipur Rajesthan and in the mean time i shifted to ooty tamilnadu and i transfer my ration card now i wanted to make a passport pleas guide me what i need to do and what is the formality’s

    1. Amit Avatar

      Apply online you can get more information here:

  44. Reshmi Avatar

    MY passport got expired and I had applied for new one. There was no police verification till I got my passport. Now a police verification officer says that they have not yet verified and they still need certain documentation. Is this a problem..

    1. Amit Avatar

      @Reshmi, during police verification you generally are required to submit / show the same document (address proof/identity proof) which you produced during processing of passport.

  45. anil Avatar

    I applied for renewal of old passport from cochin..It was told that I will get the old passport cancelled & attached with the new one..But today I received only the new passport..I have never traveled abroad..Is it a mistake from their side or is it not necessary to have the old one??

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Pls check with passport office. In delhi RPO my old passport was returned over the counter only.

  46. Mukul Soni Avatar
    Mukul Soni

    I applied for renewal of my passport 4 years ago , but did not get it till date . I dont have any details of my passport . Can I apply for a new passport ?

  47. niraain Avatar

    hi all,

    could anyone correct me if i am wrong, i went through few official passport websites which says that there is no need for police verification for reissue of passports.

  48. Saikat Bhattacharya Avatar
    Saikat Bhattacharya

    With all those on this blog having problems with their passports – Amazingly, either for an additional booklet or a new passport issuance after 10 years validity was done smoothly and with no hassles for me on 2 occasions. If your documentation is correct and is as per the Passport Office requirements – then even a normal application like mine without any tatkal payment – in both circumstances – the passport was issued in less than a week.
    I think – one needs to have the right documents and the passport website gives you an accurate response to such a query.
    An online application has been an easier method than before.
    Just make sure – you have the right documents…That’s the way to get it done with no hassle !!
    So easy…I have never faced a problem or delay with the RPO. All my booklets have been issued in a week’s time and with no hassle either from the police or the passport authorities….I guess…GET THE RIGHT DOCUMENTS…!!

  49. Monita Avatar

    Hi Amit n All,

    I have applied for passport on 18th may pune, till now havent received my passport.. its saying .. application in process..

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Under normal process it took me 6 months to get the passport reissued.

  50. Balachandran Avatar

    Dear wmit

    I am working in cameroon,my passport expiry date 10,2013,before how many days i can apply for new passport,in stsrting of 2012 i am planning to visit india

  51. KARAN Avatar

    My passport expires on 30.05.2012. Can I apply for VISA in last 6 months of validity of passport. If I want to apply for reissue under Tatkal, whether any proof for urgency is required.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar
      Amit Gupta

      Hi Karan, Pls confirm with US visa authority. But I think you require minimun 6 months validity. There is no need to provide proof for urgency for tatkal passport

  52. SWATHI Avatar


    1. ankit Avatar

      contact passport office where u have submitted the doc

  53. Nelamane Subramanyam Nataraj Avatar
    Nelamane Subramanyam Nataraj

    Dear Sir,

    My passport is getting expired on 03-01-02012. I want to apply for re-issue of my passport. I am a citizen of INDIA and permanently residing in Mysore, Karnataka. Can I send my application directly to Regional passport office, Bangalore or should I approach speed post office situated at Mysore?

    1. ankit Avatar

      pls vis1t passport seva website…

  54. Ramesh Avatar

    Hi Amith,

    I have a problem with DOB in my passport, applied for the new with old passport attached. Now, application status is showing as
    “Application has been transferred to policy section, Please See the PRO”. Pls suggest me what i need to take and meet PRO…


    1. ankit Avatar

      No need to d any thing . yo will get your passport in 20 days if post verification is marked by officer and in case of pre verification this will take 40 days. if there is any correction in passport .most of time pre verification is done by passport office

  55. poonam Avatar

    hi amita,very upset these days…as my hubby has gone to us n we applied for d passport under tatkal for my two sons minor n mine is d reissue case….they accepted my sons application under tatkal but not mine reason being d verification is not on d letter head….so jus wanna knw how long i hav to wait i hav applied under normal scheme

    1. ankit Avatar

      HI.. In normal scheme you will get the passport in 30-40 days if you have all the document

      1. S. Kaur Avatar
        S. Kaur

        Its been more than three months, i have not received my passport.

  56. Vinay Avatar

    hello, my passport got expired and i have applied for reissue of passport. Once after receiving my new passport should i keep my old passport safely? does it have any importance in future?

    1. raj Avatar

      Its probably of no use in future, but if u have any visas stamped on the old/expired passport it might be of some use in future in case u wanna start some immigration process to another country ( they will want ALL information about where u visited/worked earlier).
      So dont throw it away, u never know when u might have to submit proof of any prior foreign visits/stay even if it happened many years ago ( assuming that u did visit abroad on that expired passport )

  57. R.Ravikumar Avatar

    Dear sir, I still not getting any response from your side. Please help me out. I am facing lot of problem in my office.Dear sir, I applied my passport on 18/10/2011. But till now I have not received my passport. My application no(MA1071328388511).Because here I facing lot of problem in my office. Pls consider and arrange me soon. PV(13415). Thanks You, With Regards, R.Ravikumar 9566001334By 7thOct i got appointment. they told that name change has to be done & appointment Quota put normal & Type of application put Tatkaal.By 11th i got appointment but the are telling now u can appaly for tatkaal.For me big issue in my company before 22nd i ahve to submeit ny passport.other wise i have to lose my job. Even i tried to get appointment its not coming. so pls give an appointment.

    1. raj Avatar

      dude r u NUTS?
      what kind of job are u even working on? Don’t u know the difference between a private website run/maintained by a private individual and official passport website?
      As it is, its very difficult to get any work done in a timely manner from Passport office and ontop of that u r asking /seeking help in the WRONG PLACE.
      Instead of wasting time typing here, try to go through a travel agent, they will be better placed to arrange an online appointment for u ( ie book an online appointment slot for u)
      I am sure its very late since u posted yr query more then 2 months ago and i read it just now…but i am surprised that u can be SO STUPID as to ask for official help/guidance in a private website.
      i really wonder what kinda intelligence u have an what kinda job u r doing and which company hired u to work for them.

  58. R.Ravikumar Avatar

    Dear sir, I still not getting any response from your side. Please help me out. I am facing lot of problem in my office.

  59. BISHNU Avatar


    I am staying in Gurgaon. PLease guide me ways and means to get ANNEXURE-F so that I will reissue my Passport by adding wifes name in passport in TATKAL.

  60. Sukhdeep Avatar

    I have applied for passport on 25-08-2011. It is been more than three months now but online status is showing police verification clear, application under process… Can anyone let me know, how to speed up the process

  61. Munira Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    My brother is applying for re-issue of his passport under teh tatkaal scheme. Is the annexure F which is verification cert necassary. Becasue as per teh list of documents required, it says if you do not have 3 documetns as mentioned under (a) to (i) you have to give this additional verification certificate. Someone advised us to take this certificate also even though we have 3 documents. Sorry i forgot to mention he is applying from Mumbai(worli) office.

  62. Munira Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    My brother is applying for a passport (re-issue) under a tatkaal scheme. It says a verification cert needs only if one does not have 2 documents out of 14 documents mentioned as per the list. Is it required evn if we have teh docuemtns as mentieond tehrein.

  63. Raghs Avatar

    I applied for passport under tatkal scheme (wanted to include my spouce’s name and chnaged the old address on passport as it was not valid). I gave the permanent address proof(my native place) as I did not have any address proof for present address (bangalore). I got the passport about 1 year 2 months back. Now I have a letter from passport office that police report is adverse (as I told them the truth that I visit my native every week and live in Bangalore for rest of the days.). The letter says to visit RPO office and submit new application, otherwise they are talking about cancelling the passport. I am at present outside india and can not go back.

    Please suggest what to do.

    1. raj Avatar

      according to passport rules, the CURRENT address is always the address u should mention in passport applicationn(many people think that some permanent address in native place should be mentioned, but this is incorrect, ONLY the address where u r currently residing, even if it is temporary address, only this address should be mentioned and printed in passport).
      Visiting native place once a week DOES NOT constitute/make it your current address. One issue i cannot understand is why the passport office guys gave u a passport in the first place and later send u letter, I guess someone seeing your application file later realized the mistake and tried to go by their usual rules, but u r going to be badly affected ( ie inconvenienced) since u r already abroad.
      Only thing for u to do is approach the Indian Consulate/Embassy in the country u r currently residing and talk to someone there. If they at the RPO dont receive reply/response from u in a stipulated time-frame they might make good their threat and cancel your passport and then u will be in a ROYAL MESS stuck in a foreign land as an Illegal (without valid travel documents ie).
      So better go immediately to nearest Indian Consulate/Embassy and talk to them. I have a feeling u need to go to India/Blore after all to sort out this mess.

  64. Passport Application Status Delhi Avatar

    Services on Click helps, provides complete & accurate information about How to, Documents required & Procedure to get Ration Card issued in Delhi by Govt of India.

  65. Saidi Reddy Avatar
    Saidi Reddy

    Hi ,
    my passport issued on 2009 by secunderabad passport office. my problem is expiry date is not printed on passport . where can i consult anybody or please tell the procedure.
    please help me about this issue.

    1. raj Avatar

      ALL passports should have date of issue AND date of expiry printed on them. You should ALWAYS check soon after u first get new passport in your hands if all the details are printed correctly. WHY DID U TAKE 3 years to find this out?
      Anyways, take your passport to the sec’bat passport office and apply for change in details ( in your case adding the expiry date).
      better keep 3-4 xerox copies of ALL pages of the passport with u, (passport office guys are known for carelessness )

  66. David Avatar

    I Lost my passport but expired 3 years ago.Right now i have to apply for new passport or disclose status of lost & expire passport. Please help

    1. raj Avatar

      I dont understand one issue here, WHY R U SO SCARED TO REPORT LOSS OF A PASSPORT?? these things ( losing passport) happen sometimes and except for a little additional/extra procedure ( like getting police FIR about lost passport) and more fees, u wont be penalized/punished in any way for losing a passport.
      If the old passport is expired, u wont be under any criminal liability, and also NOTHING will happen even when u report that u lost it, so i see no reason why u should hide that fact. however it is very much advisable to report to the police station in your jurisdiction and get a FIR copy from them saying that the old/expired passport is lost (this will take a week or so to get the FIR copy).
      and according the the current passport rules, AFTER 3 yrs when a passport expired any application for passport will be treated as a new application, but as i said it is advisable to report loss of the old/expired passport.
      I lost my old passport and i filed a FIR with the local police station and then enclosed that FIR original copy when filing application for new passport.

  67. David Avatar

    I Lost my 3 years expired passport.Right now i have to apply for new passport without disclosing status bout lost $ expire passport.
    PLS Help!

    1. james Avatar

      1) Passport office have procedure to check for duplication by your name, photo etc, so to create a new passport without disclosing is impossible and also its criminal activity, do not do it if you don’t want go to jail.
      2) If you have lost your passport you have to immediately inform the nearest police station, its surprising you haven’t don’t it yet. You are lucky your passport has expired, had it fallen into wrong hands your life would have been finished. Its not a joke.
      3) To apply for new passport in case of lost passport, you need a copy of police complaint.
      4) In case of expired passport again police verification is needed.
      4) Police ask a lot of question in case of passport lost, its a headache process, you will soon understand what i mean.
      Don’t waste anymore time, all the best.

      1. raj Avatar

        your logic is valid ONLY if the old passport is still valid, then it is criminal to hide that valid passport’s details when applying for a new one.
        however if the old passport is expired, u wont be under any criminal liability, however it is very much advisable to report to the police station in your jurisdiction and get a FIR copy from them saying that the old passport is lost (this will take a week or so).
        and according the the current passport rules, AFTER 3 yrs when a passport expired any application for passport will be treated as a new application, but as i said it is advisable to report loss of the old/expired passport.

  68. NISHANT GAMI Avatar

    Dear amit,
    my passport is issued from kolkata in 2006 nd its z-series 60 page passport with the entry made by hand only.. some days back i gone for a US visa where they inform me dat my passport is not valid as becoz of some problem with the z-series. i m a marine engineer and in mid of feb’2012 i will b join the ship.. i also went for psk to know wat to do, dey told me dat u hv to apply for a new passport nd dis passport to be cancelling… so i want to know after submitting this passport alongwith damaged passport application online, will i get dis old passport alongwid new passport for future.. bcoz in my all sea service certificate dis passport number is entry was there???
    plz help me out from dis problem nd suggest some advice..
    thanking u in advance….

  69. Rashmi Avatar

    I applied for the INDIAN passport and i got it in 30 days.
    But the problem is my name was mis-splled as Rashhmi.
    How to get it corrected. Do i need to apply for Re-issue of passport?

  70. Milan Andipara Avatar
    Milan Andipara

    i have a passport was expired in July 2016 but i have to change the address so the give the way to change expired date and also address at the same time….

  71. VKKB Avatar

    Dear All,

    My younger bro’s passport expired 3 years back and he forgot to renew the same. He also has Dubai driving license, which referes the passport. The passport at that time was issued from Mumbai and now he settled in Kerala.

    The help I required is, Can he renew the passport in Kerala (Kochi Passport Office as permanent address in EKM dist), while Dubai driving license can be valid? In case he cant’ renew passport in Kochi, opt for new one, will the Dubai driving license get Void..? He is under tremdendous pressure as no concrete info. Can someone help me?

    My email id is….

    Thanks in Advance.

  72. harjinder singh Avatar
    harjinder singh

    my passport got damaged in water (only photograph damaged). i am from sriganganagar, jaipur. plz tell me documents requirements for tatkal… and what i have to do…….process time …….i am in too hurry plzz…..

  73. harjinder singh Avatar
    harjinder singh

    my passport photo damaged in water plz tell me documents for tatkal….

  74. gaurav Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I lost my passport March 2011. I registered the FIR and got the FIR acknowledgement in March 2011 itself. But the problem is that I did not inform the passport office and did not applied for new passport till now.Now , I want to apply for new passport. is it possible to apply for reissue with this old FIR receipt as it is now 1 year old? Please help me, as it’s needed urgently .


  75. ANJIBABU Avatar

    Hi Amith,

    My passport exp date 12/02/2012 i have changed the address,but in my ration card my date of birth wrong , i have applied for election card it will take 1 week time, after expiiry date how many days accept…

  76. Kannayan Avatar

    Hi Amit,
    I have lost my Indian passport issued at Chennai and now I have applied the re-isssue of passport in Passport Seva Kendra. I have produced the required documents and my application was successful. I would like to know the approximate time of receiving my new one. Also recently I checked the status in the website it showed that “Your Passport application has been granted, Police Verification Report has been submitted, You would receive an email/sms once the passport is dispatched” and after exactly three days the status was like “Your passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office” This status is there for nearly 5 business days. As I got to travel to UK for short term for my project purpose. It would be great if I get some opinion from you. I am looking forward your cooperation.

    1. Rajesh Avatar

      Hi Kannayan,

      I am also getting the same status “Your passport application is under review at regional passport office”.

      Can you please let me know if its the normal status or if there is an issue.

      Did you get your passport?

      Thanks & Regards,

      1. Kannayan Avatar

        When you applied?

      2. Kannayan Avatar

        I didnt get it till now

      3. Kannayan Avatar

        I got my new passport on March 9 2012

    2. siddharth Avatar

      Hi Kannayan,

      Even I am struck with the same status of “passport application under review at the RPO”. Can I know if there was any progress in your case and if so did the status change??

      1. Kannayan Avatar

        I applied on 27/01/2012 and same status

        1. jorisa Avatar

          i applied on may 29th 2012…..and the status was same

  77. Nikunj Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I applied for a fresh passport and completed all the formalities, police verification was also done by 19/1/2012. Then the status of my application became “Your Passport application has been granted, Police Verification Report has been submitted, You would receive an email/sms once the passport is dispatched.” But today the status changed to “Police has completed verification process on 10/02/2012. Your passport will be dispatched after ‘Clear’ Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an email/sms once the passport is dispatched.” Now my question is if the PVR was submitted earlier and the application was GRANTED, doesn’t that mean that police report was CLEAR ????

    1. a Avatar

      did u get your passport eventually. what was reason of this status

      1. a Avatar

        Yes, I got the passport within 1 week after this. The reason given was that there was some technical error in the system and the file got delayed.

  78. Varahalu Babu Jampana Avatar
    Varahalu Babu Jampana

    Hi Amit,
    Iam from visakhapatnam, AP. Applied for Passport in Normal Procedure in aprial 2010 and Police man Came for Verification and He told that the Process is Over and u will be Receive Passport. But after some months Later I didn’t get passport and online Status is The absence of Candidate. And I applied for Re verification but no one came to verify. Wen I went to enquery at My Visakhapatnam Passport office They told my Application is Dead and Re apply and he signed on Letter which i written complaint .So , Should I need a typed Letter from Passport officer to Re Apply for Passport?? and Can you tell the Thathkal procedure..?? waiting for your answer.

  79. Rahul Avatar


    Can anyone please help
    We want to apply for our grandfathers passport, he had a passport which i believe expired 30 years ago however we have no clue where it is , if its damaged or most probably lost , We have no FIR and we cannot file an FIR as we dont know where it got lost, since we stayed in different cities since then.

    In case we apply with out furnishing old expired passport details (which i know is not okay)on the fact that old passport expired 30 years ago and did not have my grandfathers surname in it (so the name is little different now)

    what i want to know is… is there a possibility that this can be an issue
    also if in case so .. what max can happen…

    please advise

    1. Sumitha Avatar

      Hi Rahul,
      Iam curious to know if your grandfather got fresh passport or reissue.

  80. sujith Avatar

    Hello Sir,
    I applied my passport on july 25th 2011.The officers who came to the verification they were not intimated and at the time of verification i was not present.After 3 months when i checked my status it shows “Police report is Adverse, a show-cause notice is being sent by post’.but till now i didn’t get any notice.I need my passport very urgently.Can u please help me out the problem.What i want to do next.
    My file num is HYDHO21079-11

  81. Asru Avatar

    Hi All,

    I have a small doubt.I have a damaged passport with me..Am planning to apply for another one..If i apply for a new one will i have to return the old one..because i dnn think they gonna do big research on my damaged passport.So should i submit or should i mention as passport lost..Which is the better option to renew my passport..! Am staying in Dubai.I dnn think they gonna send anyone over here for a verification neither i cant make a police case(Big headache)..I appreciate if any one can help me out on this..

    1. Pankaj Avatar

      If your passport is damaged you just have to apply for a new one and provide necessary details to the authorities. If the passport no. is readable,name is legible and photograph is intact then you need the damaged passport, An affidavit stating how the passport got damaged and other proofs like address and birth. If the passport is damaged beyond recognition then you need to file a police report. And if you are thinking of saying that your passport is lost, not only you will have to submit a police report but can also be prosecuted under Indian Law if it is found that you suppressed facts. Also the passport department never keeps the old passport, It cancels the old one and puts a stamp on it and returns it to you with a receipt.

  82. suresh Avatar

    Sir, I am facing problem i.e,
    I got reissued passport in tatkal after issuing for i gone to abroad for job and now i am working in uae. Now i am faceing problem like recently i have received letter from passport office from bangalore saying that ..

    This is in reference to receipt of an adverse Police verificatiion report NOT AVILABLE FOR PV corresponding to your application for passport reissue,

    but when they police came to my house i was working in uae still i am in uae for this please give me the solution and passport office saying that
    you are therefore, called upon to provide suitalbe explanation and submit fresh applicatin with correct details, Please not that you are required to furnish proper explanation regarding the circumstances under which you had suppressed the material information in your passport application and obtained the above said passport

    now my quesiton is for this in UAE itself is it possible solve this ?
    if any one knows please help me for this

    1. Mohsina Khan Avatar
      Mohsina Khan

      Dear Suresh,

      Read your post on I need some advice from you as i am in a similar situation. I am moving to UAE and have applied for tatkal reissue of passport as i want to delete the ecr stamp. I am worried for my absence in police verification. how have you handled the situation ? please do let me know.

      Look forward for your response.


  83. Nishta Avatar

    hi, Its regarding my daughters passport. Recently when I was going through the passport I found that the date of birth mentioned is wrong. Its almost 1 year after the date of issue. I am sure I had mentioned the correct date of birth while applying. But its my mistake that I dint check the passport properly. Morever we have shifted to a new address. Would like to know what is the procedure to get the corrections done. Should I visit the passport office and get it rectified or should i apply for re-issue. Its very urgent. Kindly suggest

    1. Pankaj Avatar

      You should go to the RPO with relevant set of documents to provide age proof, then they are going to check your form, if the date entered by you was correct then they are going to stamp your passport and mention that the date should be read as “corrected date”. If you had entered the wrong date then its upto the officer what he advises, you may also need to apply for re-issue, but most probably a correction will be done. Just make sure you carry all relevant documents.

  84. M.Karthik Avatar


    This is karthik from kadaopa.I applied for the passport on 27-10-2010.After some time police came for the verification when we are out of station and gave adverse report.After that i tried so much to resume the passport formalities but didnt get any result.Atlast some body suggested that apply for the new one when old got closed.And it is said that old passport will get closed in 1 yr time.Now i am thinking to apply new one but the old one is not closing.Can any one suggest the solution for this please.
    Thanking you.

  85. R RAGHAVAN Avatar





  86. rupesh shashikant jadhav Avatar
    rupesh shashikant jadhav

    I Lost my passport, I took certificate of nearest police station, so what are the other document need for new passport and what is price of new passport. Please help

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Check this link for detailed list of documents

  87. danumjay Avatar

    Hi Amit,One of my friend loss original passport own house because white ants.He has one duplicate copy passport.Now he staying some other place around one year above.The passport already expired.Police complaint current place.or native place.

  88. rajiv Avatar

    How many days it will take after this staus “Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office”

    1. Nikhil Avatar

      Generally it takes upto 15 working days after this for your passport to be dispatched but can take more.

  89. Samik Avatar

    Funny, but looks like ICICI address proof is now accepted, atleast in Pune. They want the ones printed in a dying dot matrix printer with the seal and signature of a bank official. The usual statements that we get through mail dont work.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Thats good news. ICICI and HDFC are one of the largest financial institutions and have larger reach than public banks atleast in metros

  90. mawar khan Avatar
    mawar khan

    i have applied my passport on feb 9th 2012 till now i didnt get my passport n when i check my status it shows police report hasnt recieved.i dont understand what should i do?please reply me as soon as possible.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      You can reach to your nearest police station who conduct these verification.

  91. Jay Avatar

    Hi Raj,

    I am from mumbai but working in hyderabad since 7 months. My passport is about to expire in month of sept 2012 and need to fly abroad in moth of June 2012.
    Now when I need to apply for reissue passport, what is the best option to apply: Can I apply the same in hyderabad when my stay here is not one year old.
    Can I apply under tatkal scheme as I heard that for tatkal I should have some IPS/IAS officers letter of recommendations??????

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Some countries have a requirement that you should have atleast 6 months of validity left on your passport when you enter that country.

  92. JayKumar Avatar

    I am about to apply for Re-issue of Passport via Tatkal Scheme but I am still has got some extra changesment to be done with new passport like..
    1) Address Change
    2) My Signature also got changed
    3) Currently I am working in Hyderabad but initially I got my passport from Ahmadabad, still resident address is still in Ahmadabad..

    So, for first 2 point what proof do I need to submit.
    For 3rd Point can I apply from Hyderabad having resident address of Ahmedabad??SO that I need not to go to Ahmedbad…

    Please can you provide the following information at earliest…………

  93. Mukul Soni Avatar
    Mukul Soni

    I gave my previous passport for renewal in 2007 at Jaipur RPO,due to any reasons my police enquiry was not completed and meanwhile my house address changed . I waited for the passport around 2years,but didnt recived my passport . Then I went for enquiry at Jaipur RPO they said that my file was closed and I should apply for fresh passport with the paper the Office gave to me at enquiry attached with my new application form which was only proof that my file was closed and I didnt had any proof regarding my passport (no photocopy,no recipt) . Then I applied for new passport through PSK Jodhpur . My application was clear with the verification zone but the Granting zone officer forwarded my application to the APO and the APO told us that further processing of passport would be held at RPO and my application has been escalated to RPO . Now,the status at the show’s that “Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office” , They told us to visit the RPO as soon as possible . Now my query is what is meant be “Your Passport has been escalated ” as told by the Officers at PSK . and they also told us that you need to take the Fee Recipet and visit RPO . Do I need to take any appointment for RPO ?

    What should I do Now ? Please Help asap

    1. Jef Avatar


      Did your issue got resolved, i am facing the same issue. My passport application has been escalated to RPO, however the status shows police verification has been initiated

  94. Kanaiyalal Girdherlal Shah Avatar
    Kanaiyalal Girdherlal Shah

    Dear Sir,I m requesting to your honor that i am difficult possion for How to I fillup my Re-issue of my passport form online can i got form for re issue of passport due to my old passport is expire on 20/06/12, let me know that i can fillup my form and submiting it at ahmedabad office.
    I m awating for you early reply for the same with regard and oblige.
    (K.G.Shah) Ahmedabad.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar You can locate your nearest passport seva kendra

  95. Pankaj Avatar

    HI ,
    I have a Passport (Issued from Chandigarh), and i have been working in Bangalore since last two and half years.I have lost my passport …..
    I have photocopy of my old passport and i have FIR as well.So is it that Now i will have to go back to Chandigarh to apply for new passport or can i do it from Bangalore only !!!!

    1. prudhvi raju Avatar
      prudhvi raju

      Hi Pankaj,

      I alos got the same issue can you help me out with that now. What process have you followed.

      Awaiting for a favorable reply,

      Thanks in advance,
      Prudhvi Raju,

  96. prasad Avatar

    hi amit today am apply re-issue passport, and they canceled my old passport and retun back, evening lost my passport, what am doing this situvation, pls help me,

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Though you don’t need your old passport anymore it is still very important document. You should immediately report the same to your nearest police station.

  97. kiran Avatar

    I had submitted the application for TATKAL. As I could not get apoointment, went for a agency. After a while they did it … today.
    However i see that the agency has taken appointment QUOTA as NORMAL, where as my application type is TATKAL.
    Has anyone any idea whether its OK or its a blunder by agency to choose NORMAL instead of TATKAL?

    Best Regards,

    1. Abey Avatar

      I am in the same situation. Is it ok to take appointment quota as normal for apllication type Tatkal ? Please help.


  98. ramesh Avatar

    Dear amit gupta,

    i have applied my fresh passport under TATKAAL SCHEME on 25-07-2012

    Psk puts me to preverification because of my birthcertificate issued by court order so they said it’s not suitable for tatkaal scheme so u hav to they accept my application under Takaal scheme

    And they said your application forward to regional passport office..

    My status changed like below
    1.your application has been granted on 25-07-2012
    2.your application has been submitted police verification to sp office
    3.passport application is under review at regional passport office
    the last status shown past 5 days

    i am in critical position i need my passport very very urgent

    so please rply me when i get my passport …?

    I need passport urgent give any idea to me

    with regards,


  99. Leo Alive Avatar
    Leo Alive

    hi Everybody,

    I need to get fresh passports as my current passports are about to expire. Moreover Australian Embassy asked me to provide fresh passports within 25 days. 🙁 So i tried my best to get Annexure – F (advance police verification) for applying under Tatkaal scheme. Everybody advised me that this tatkaal scheme is just for display, no police officer is going to sign annexure-f. but still i had some hope, n i tried my best to get it done. i approached the most influential person in my city who was very close to our police station SHO but no that didnt work out. & after 3 days of rushin around i realised that i am actually wasting my time. So i decided to apply in normal.

    but guess what, i booked an appointment for the very next day & reached Amritsar PSK. the guys were very nice, they said u will get ur passports within 10 working days as your police verification mode is Post-police verification mode. This is because i have all the details on my passport same , i mean i was not changing any particulars.
    Even the website says under postpolice verification mode ur passports will be dispatched within 4 working days.
    Now guys has anyone earlier applied in the same mode & got passports back withiin that time frame ? its been 6 days since my application but there were some holidays in these 6 days. But i am concerned as my status shows same thing as its under process & u will get a message once its dispached.
    Any help please ?

  100. Harpreet Avatar


    I submitted my passport application in the passport seva kendra on 21st August, 2012. After 2 weeks of waiting, my application status changed to ” Passport application has been submitted along with applicable fees and supporting documents.” yesterday only. What is the next step? Do i need to visit my nearest police station to initiate the police verification process?
    HELP!! HELP!! I have read thousands of documents, but I am confused about the entire process.. frankly, a little scared of it too…

    Thanks in advance

  101. ryan Avatar

    when i was a minor a had a passport, it got expired at 18 and i have lost it, i am 23 now. what do i need to do and what documents do i need to submit, will i be applying for a fresh passport or new one?

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      File a police complaint at the earliest and contact your nearest PSK.

  102. SHANKAR Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    My passport was expired 9 years ago, and lost the details. I dont even have a xerox or the pass port no. Now I want to go abroad. How to get a new pass port. kindly advice.

    Thanking you Sir,

    Yours Sincerely,


  103. Vaibhav pathak Avatar

    Sir , i have applied for passport in march 2012 in passport office pune then i got police enquiry in july after enquiry on passport site it was written that police enquiry is clear and my passport is expected to be delivered by 22 august and after that the site says your application is closed and re apply quoting earlier file no. So i want to ask you that i have to follow the entire process again i.e. Apply then again police enquiry. Is that the way ? Please reply.

  104. anil sharma Avatar
    anil sharma

    HI Amit,

    I had applied new passport with damage clause as the photograph colours got spread due to heat in sunlight.When I applied they said that I had an ADVERSE in TATKAAL in the existing passport and APO at ITO New delhi put it on Hold.Mean while my POLICE verifications have been successfully done and report submitted to Passport office.Will I get a new passport when Hold was put on my file or Positive police report will get me new passport.

    KIndly advise…Regards.Anil

  105. aryan lutherja Avatar
    aryan lutherja

    Hi Amit,

    I had applied for a tatkal passport in delhi in 2006 after which i moved to dubai . i went to the passport office for a additional booklet as my pages are full they gave me the passport back saying the report is adverse from delhi. how do i resolve this.

    1. i have no relatives in india
    2. i dont have any address in india
    3. i am in dubai since 6 years
    4. passport is valid till 2016
    5. i cannot leave my job and stay in india to resolve this.

    please help .


  106. Varma Avatar


    Please advise me if you have any idea urgently.

    I applied recently for re-issue of my passport( expired on 10 Oct 2012) at Indian High Commission , Birmingham, UK.

    I was told that it requires police verification and they told me to submit police verification form. I have to apply my settlement VISA by end of Novebmer 2012.

    My Questions
    1) How long it takes for police verification process.
    2) Is there any other process to get passport quickly.


  107. kavitha Avatar

    Hi Amit Sir,

    Im from bangalore.I want to apply for reissue of passport.I was checking the documents required on passport seva online is a column asking for employment type. i was employed untill sep 2012 in public sector nd resigned for personal reasons,currently not employed and might goto work after few months of gap.Now while applying for reissue what are the supported documents they might require since im not currently employed and might be employed say in Jan 2013.Eagerly awaiting your reply Sir.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      You should state the correct facts at the time of applying for reissue of passport. If you are not working and is currently homemaker, you should state facts.

      1. vivendar Avatar

        Hi AMIT Sir ,
        My passport expire at sep. 11th. I have less than 3 months . what is fastest way to get renew my passport.
        Thank you Amit sir .

  108. kavitha Avatar

    Hi amit Sir,

    Not sure if u got my post

  109. P.MUTHUVELU Avatar

    ameit sir,
    i apply on reissue passport in chennai PSK at 17.10.2012, Police verified atten on 30.10.2012 but still not issue passport what is move on next step…..pls advise

  110. Pavankumar Avatar

    Hi Amit i lost my passport few days … can u please tell me the procedure…. and i dont have any duplicate copy and number of my pass port… so how can apply for the duplicate passport and what is the procedure … when can i get that duplicate pass port.. and how long it will take.

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      In normal circumstances , if your passport is lost or damaged you need to do the following as per

      – Affidavit stating how and where the Passport got lost/ damaged (Annexure ‘L’)
      – Police report in original
      – Proof Of Present Address
      – Self-attested photocopy of first two and last two pages, including ECR/Non-ECR page of old Passport
      – Proof Of Date Of Birth

      But in your case you don’t remember the passport number or have a copy, there is no said procedure. I think you should meet the passport officer of your area. They might be able to track down the details using your information. and then file the police complaint with details.


    Hi Amit,

    I applied under Normal Category .This is in regards with the Passport application (File Ref No HY2071489456512) with STATUS “YOUR APPLICATION IS UNDER REVIEW” and it lasted for 25 days. However the application got deleted from Passport Portal when I logged into the site. My Application has got Police verificATION complete in Tanuku (Andhra Pradesh) and till now I have not received my passport. So Please release my passport as early as possible. I have to provide/submit the new Passport Documents in my Company/ Organisation by this week. Failing to do so, I will be terminated from the services. Kindly I request you, to grant me the passport as soon as possible. My situation is very bad and am little bit emotional about my job. I am married recetly and observing some pathetic situations.

    After marriage, we have not celebrated the honey moon outside India. We are planning to move to Mauritius and Maldives (Male) next month starting (December first week).

    Please understand my situation and release my passport as soon as possible

    Thanks for the day.

    passport Details:

    Apply Date: 23/07/2012.


    File no ; HY2071489456512.

    Date of birth :30/08/1980.

    Police Verification Details : Dispatch no& Date : 29/08/2012.

    Police Verification Details : Dispatch no& Date : 29/08/2012.

    Please let me know if you need any more information.

    Thanking you
    MANDEPUDI SUNIL KUMAR.(9966082790)

  112. vinay gupta Avatar
    vinay gupta

    i have applied online for re issue passport as my validity going to expire on 14.7.2013 still i did not get appointment to submit documents at PSK as the validity is more than six month, can i still travel

    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Passport validity for travel is subject to the norms of the country you travel.


    Dear Mr. Amit,
    I have applied for renewed my passport. I got receipt on dated 27/08/2012. My file no is CA2071522230512. But i can not check the status as this file no not fit in the module. My D.O.B is 07.01.1966.
    Pl. check and help me what to do.

  114. […] a much better infrastructure and facilities than the days when I ran from pillar to post for Reissue of passport after expiry of 10 years validity or stood in scorching sun at RPO Bhikaji Cama Place for issue of passport for minor […]

  115. Raj Avatar

    Hi Amit, Thanks for the post.

    Current Duration time :

    Query : Any idea on duration of Passport issue on normal if all document are cleared and no police verification needed.

    And also for minor if police verification is needed.


    1. Amit Gupta Avatar

      Hi Raj, The process has improved significantly will launch of passport seva kendra. I have recently visited one for the reissue of my wife’s passport in Gurgaon Under tatkal it should take 5-7 working day if all docs are complete. The police verification happens in generally most of the cases unless both parents has passport and address etc are same.

      1. raj Avatar

        Thanks Amit

  116. Mohsin Chikani Avatar
    Mohsin Chikani

    Ma Ode sucessful submission at PSK Andheri on 13.03.2013 vide File No: BO2070891973213 Status Granted subject to Pre PVR & Finger Print Matching. I already have a copy of the visa copy from my overseas employer for OMAN & he wants me to join service latest by 10th of next month.please advise how can i expedite the process

  117. saif Avatar
    saif father has a temperory passport that was given during his hajj in 2008. Now wats the procedure n documents required for him to apply for a passport. Will it b fresh or reissue.plz assist..

  118. Ridhi Avatar

    Pls advise. What is the process of correction in new passports issued with in a month in case applicant makes a mistake. Do we have to surrender the passport and will we be issued new passport in return after paying the penalty.

  119. afreen abdul razaq Avatar
    afreen abdul razaq

    i had applied my passport for reissue for the name change and adress after marrage on 10 july2013, after 20 days my police inquiery came and it was ok , from the date of applying passport, the online status is showing same tat u r application is under review at passport regional offfice what does its mean,and after verification how many days it will take to get the passport as i need it to travel…. my file number is bo30701
    32012213 and dob is 12/11/1988

  120. Farid Avatar

    Hi Amit,

    I lost my passport in my home somewhere, my wife has keep it somewhere and she cannot find it now, i have searched every inche in my house but cannot find it and i am not a frequent flyer and as far as i can remember last time i used to get the SIM card for my wife when we got married and for the first time in my life after taking passport i got a chance to go abroad and i cannot find my passport. My question seems to be stupid enough for you and rest of guys .. what should i tell the police to get the FIR ?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance


    1. Praba Avatar


      It has happened to me as well. Reg. your question of what to tell the police, you can tell that you have lost it while shifting your house, or while coming back after photocopying from a shop etc. The important thing is to (the process may change based on your state / city in India)

      1. Get an affidavit from a Notary for the lost passport. Any Notary (especially near the police station) will know the format and can provide it for say, Rs. 100

      2. Advertise in a prominent Tamil / English (sometimes both) Daily Newspaper in the ‘Lost and Found’ section and get the newspaper cutting.

      3. Send an email to the previously applied passport office explaining the situation and asking them whether the passport has been misused. Getting a reply for this is not mandatory, but any reply will do 🙂 You have to attach this mail chain copy with your application.

      4. Get the copy of family card which you used to get the lost passport.

      5. Copy of your ID (Pan Card, Voter ID etc.), Proof of Date of Birth (again, any one of the ids, certificates etc.)

      6. Photos – 2

      7. Letter to the Inspector, , requesting for necessary documents to apply for a new passport. The details should include the current address, lost passport number, previous address, if any, and your contact number(s).

      8. IMPORTANT: Copy of the passport, especially the first / second / last pages. If you don’t have the copy, cross your fingers. Apply for the lost passport details through the Passport Office website or email asking for the same as you don’t have a copy. If you are lucky, you may get it.

      List may look exhaustive, but the process of going through this is even worse. Read Amit Gupta’s experience. Anger / Helplessness are some of the symptoms and side effects you may come across. Best of Luck …

      1. Kumar Avatar

        For Lost passport where all verification is done, if my current address is different than previous passport address.

  121. sowmya Avatar

    I applied my passport on April 10 2014 in chennai. All the process went good. Now from past 15 days the status in website its showing passport printing is intiated, checking, lamination, singing and dispatch. How long it will take to get passport. I applied in normal mode.

  122. susan Avatar

    Dear Sir,
    I issued my passport from kerala,and i lost in Delhi, can i issue my passport in delhi only

  123. ask Avatar

    What’s up, this weekend is nice designed for me, for the reason that
    this occasion i am reading this wonderful educational piece of writing here at my residence.

  124. Mangesh Avatar

    My daughter is holding a passport issued on 24/01/2012 when she was Minor.The Expiry date on the Passport is 23/01/2017. Now she will become Major on 22/03/2014 .My question is that is it necessary to renew the same or current passport is valid for U.S.Visa in May 2015

  125. anonymous Avatar

    I am in a public sector bank and my probation period will end next yaar. Now I m planning to go for higher studies abroad and resign next year when my probation period gets over. Now my problem is how to apply for passport and Visa as they won’t provide NOC as I m still on probation period and even if I get noc for passport later I will resign and my status will change. Will it be difficult to get visa then?

  126. Praveenna Avatar

    Hi, I am Praveena
    I am 11 years old and born and brought up in Abu Dhabi (UAE)My dad too works in Abu Dhabi.
    Since last two years I and my sister live in Mumbai (maharashtra) I am an Indian citizen and my passport was issued in Abu Dhabi.
    I was interested to go to Abu Dhabi but to renew my visa my passport was not valid for 6 months and I applied for a new passport in Mumbai. First time when we went to the passport seva kendra Malad east, they refused to take us in as I am a minor and I went there with my grandfather and they told that for a minor parents are needed for this process but my mom had expired last year in the month of August and my dad was in kerela, so they sent us back home.
    After three day’s my dad was here and we both went to the passport seva kendra again that time they took us in and while taking the token at the counter the lady asked for my mom”s original death certificate we had already attached the scanned photocopy with other documents. But the lady who was issuing the token behaved very rudely and refused to accept our forms.
    After my dad”s request she took us to counter no. 29. There also we explained that but we faced the same problem. My dad even requested that man a lot at least to get the passport for one year to validate my visa status but they told “without the original death certificate we can’t do anything” ” please get out don’t waste our time if u want u can go to the worli passport office and if they give permisson for accepting the photocopy of death certifcate then we can look into ur case”.
    After hearing all this my dad and I lose our heart and went back home even I was very sad and didn’t have a hope of getting a new passport and validating my visa status. The government officers there in the passport office are to help the public but they are of no use . Not even interested to listen to us.
    Most of the public there are going home back with sad faces and that I have seen with my eyes and even experienced it .
    Please look into the matter…because now I am thinking to send letters to respective minsters to take action against this and look into the matter, hope u can help us….my regards to u….thank you..


    Sub: Correction in spelling of my Surname by projecting as SRIVASTAVA
    In my first passport, No66156, issued on 18-02-93 from Chandigarh my surname was SRIVASTAVA.
    In the second passport E3727758 issued on 020/01/2003 from Chandigarh the spelling inadvertantly appeared as SRIVASTVA.
    The mistake continued in my 3rd passport K7288617 issued on o4/10/12 frm Delhi. This has created problem. Taking cognigance of the issue, will PSK Gurgaon come forward to rectify the mistake and set an example of customer-benign.
    Dr Mahendra Pratap SRIVASTVA, 9818398655

  128. MURUGARAJ Avatar

    Hi amit sir,
    I am Murugaraj from Tamilnadu. Last time I applied the passport and submit original documents then my previous passport file (2012) was closed at the same time.The counter noc person u will Escalated cases u will go to Regional passport office.But my new file police verification completed. Then I track my status ur passport is under review of RPO.police verification found clear ur passport is dispatched. My previous file closed reason for my studying purpose.The escalated cases mention for birth certificate refer.
    How to face the Problem?
    And How to take my Passport?

  129. nayan Jadhav Avatar
    nayan Jadhav passport is going to expired in feb2016 hence i have start process for renewal/reissue..i want tatkal passport with addtion of wife name…can u assit me for the process for vadodara PSK

    1. nayan Jadhav Avatar
      nayan Jadhav

      let me know the documents required

  130. josh Avatar

    I removed accidentally my expired visa two pages from more than 12 years back expired indian passport and not traceable the removed pages what will happen when I apply for a fresh passport. Please reply

  131. jenifer Avatar

    My passport has facing SCN due to police verfication is not clear..I don’t know what to do to clear this problem.whether they will send letter to address or we have to reply for the SCN.?to whom we have to address

  132. Dominic Avatar

    HI, pls help me to get my passport details as I have lost it without passport number police disagree to lodge a complain my passport was issued in pune whom to mail to get passport details.. Pls help n reply asap, thnks.

  133. Passportseeker Avatar

    Hi ,

    I have applied for a passport at Hyderabad RPO in tatkal scheme and I have received the passport in next two days (02/2013). Within few months after receiving the passport I moved to Bangalore for work and I stay still stay in Bangalore. In Dec 2013 , I have received an explanation letter from HYD RPO asking an explanation for Adverse Police Report. In Jan 2014 I went in person to the HYD RPO and asked them about the letter that i received. The lady at the counter simply said “Nothing to worry, please apply for a new passport” even after asking if i need to give any written letter with an explanation, she simply asked me to leave n said nothing else is needed. Because it was not urgent for me to apply for a new passport, i just simply ignored it. Now i want to apply for a new passport in Bangalore. While going through some online articles, got to know that, the same day when i appeared before HYD RPO i should have filled one form requesting for Change of Address or re-verification process, unfortunately, i was not told to that :(. And I do not have any proof to claim that i have appeared in HYD RPO. Now in this situation, Can I directly cancel the previous passport(tatkal) in Bangalore RPO or should I go to HYD to cancel it? If so what is the procedure, i don’t wnat to get into further problems for not responding to the letter on time.( there is no date mentioned in the letter i received though. It’s been close to 4 years now ) . Please reply soon! Thanks in advance

  134. Jarmanjit Sandhu Avatar
    Jarmanjit Sandhu

    My passport is 20 years old and I can’t use it. And the date of birth is also wrong and now I need passport. Can you tell me how I can change date of birth of my passport.

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