Confession – Love you Maggi

Oh man … It’s 25 years or Silver Jubilee of our first meeting. I still remember the day when you entered my life. We met at my school. You wore bright yellow with strokes of red. And on our very first date, I brought you to my home to meet mom (It wasn’t infatuation, I can say now). Mom actually likes you…

And It was love at first bite…I am mad about you till this date. I love all your makeover and well…most of the flavors. You remember you got me gift on our every 5th date. I still have some of them with me (still hidden from my wife).

But for the first time I am sharing this story and some of your gifts with the world, Hope you would love it equally.    

maggi-13 maggi-12

maggi-11 maggi-14

All you MAGGI lovers visit and share you lovely moments spends with her.


3 responses to “Confession – Love you Maggi”

  1. puneet Avatar

    cute! amazing to see the gifts of love have not lost their shine yet!
    keep slurping…oh by the way, a story idea….tell maggi how to actually make one within 2 minutes! i’ve never been able to achieve it!

  2. […] my mark-sheet and gentlemen at college admin office handed over the Degree to me in less than the time it takes to cook maggi …5 mins ( I know this debatable and controversial but i am yet to find anyone who can do so ) […]

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